Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Panama

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) provides modest funding for small-scale, high-impact projects in more than 120 countries eligible for official development assistance (ODA). The CFLI has an annual programming budget of $26.8 million, with projects averaging $31,000 each. Projects are planned and implemented mainly by local organizations, and are selected and approved by the relevant Canadian Embassy or High Commission.
Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal New York Nicaragua Nigeria North Macedonia Pakistan Palau Panama

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Le Fonds canadien d’initiatives locales

Le Fonds canadien d’initiatives locales (FCIL) accorde du financement modeste à des projets de petite échelle qui génèrent d’importants résultats, et ce, dans plus de 120 pays admissibles à recevoir de l’aide publique au développement. Le FCIL dispose d’un budget de programmation annuel de 26,8 $ millions de dollars, avec une moyenne de 31 000 $ par projet. Les projets sont planifiés et mis en œuvre principalement par des organismes locaux et sont sélectionnés et approuvés par l’ambassade ou le haut-commissariat du Canada respectif.
Namibie Nations Unies Nauru New York Népal Nicaragua Nigéria Ouzbékistan Pakistan Panama

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Government Procurement

Foreign government procurement markets are worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually and offer significant potential opportunities for Canadian exporters. Government procurement obligations in international trade agreements help to ensure that Canadian suppliers of goods and services are treated in an open, transparent and non-discriminatory manner when they sell to governments outside of Canada. In addition to suppliers, open procurement markets benefit governments and taxpayers by increasing competition, widening the choice of goods and services available and, importantly, lowering costs.
Canada – Korea Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 14 – Government Procurement Canada – Panama

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Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean

Canada values the deep, long-standing relationships that it has with the countries and peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as with the region’s multilateral organisations.
following countries in the hemisphere: Chile Colombia Costa Rica Honduras Panama

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