Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Ozon

Supporting environmental sustainability in developing countries

People around the world, particularly in developing countries, are highly dependent on the natural environment for their health and livelihoods. From the necessities of life, such as water, food, and air, to the supply of resources for economic growth and resilience to natural hazards, their development is often directly linked to the state of the natural environment and the opportunities it offers.
Minamata Convention on Mercury Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone

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Les efforts du Canada pour promouvoir la protection de l’environnement à l’échelle mondiale

Les mesures internationales du Canada concernant les changements climatiques, les enjeux polaires et la conservation.
Les changements climatiques, la pollution transfrontière et l’appauvrissement de l’

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  • International
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