Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nicaragua

Lessons from Development Evaluations – 2013

Evaluation serves various purposes – accountability and learning, most notably. It is not only a requirement that we take the time to evaluate our projects and programs, it is good practice to do so as it allows us to gather lessons from the successes and challenges faced in implementing development activities.
Sector Program (PRORURAL Incluyente) – 2010-2012 Nicaragua

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Sanctions actuelles imposées par le Canada

Le Canada a des sanctions économiques et des mesures connexes en vigueur à l’encontre d’un certain nombre de pays, ainsi que des sanctions à l’encontre des individus et des entités identifiés comme étant : (i) responsable ou complice de meurtres extrajudiciaires, de torture ou d’autres violations graves de droits de la personne reconnus à l’échelle internationale; (ii) responsable ou complice d’avoir ordonné, supervisé ou dirigé d’une façon quelconque des actes de corruption à grande échelle; ou (iii) associés aux activités terroristes, notamment au Taliban, à EIIL (Daech) ou à Al-Qaïda.
Haïti Iran Iraq Liban Libye Moldova Myanmar Nicaragua

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Current sanctions imposed by Canada

Canada has sanctions and related measures in place against a number of countries, as well as sanctions against specific individuals and entities identified as being: (i) responsible for, or complicit in, extrajudicial killings, torture or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights; (ii) responsible for, or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing significant acts of corruption; or (iii) associated with terrorist activities, including with the Taliban, ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida.
Haiti Iran Iraq Lebanon Libya Moldova Myanmar Nicaragua

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Types of sanctions

Sanctions imposed by Canada on specific countries, organizations, or individuals vary and can encompass a variety of measures, including restricting or prohibiting trade, financial transactions or other economic activity between Canada and the target state; or the seizure or freezing of property situated in Canada.
Guatemala Haiti Iran Iraq Libya Moldova Myanmar Nicaragua

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Bilateral Air Negotiations Between Canada and Foreign Countries

Over the past several decades, air transportation has experienced significant growth in Canada and around the world. New aircraft technologies combined with gradual deregulation have greatly facilitated an increase in the global flow of people and goods.
Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nicaragua

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Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List

The Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List includes individuals and entities subject to specific sanctions regulations made under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (JVCFOA).
Foreign Officials Regulations Moldova Myanmar (Burma) Nicaragua

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La Liste consolidée des sanctions autonomes canadiennes

La Liste consolidée des sanctions autonomes canadiennes énumère les noms des personnes physiques et des entités qui sont inscrites aux annexes des règlements adoptés en vertu de la Loi sur les mesures économiques spéciales (LMES) et de la Loi sur la justice pour les victimes de dirigeants étrangers corrompus (LJVDEC).
Chine Guatemala Haïti Iran Moldova Myanmar (Birmanie) Nicaragua

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