Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with – European Coalition of Cities against Racism

Heidelberg will künftig noch stärker gegen Diskriminierung, Vorurteile und Ausgrenzung vorgehen und das friedliche Zusammenleben seiner Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner weiter fördern. In the future, Heidelberg wants to take stronger actions against discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion and keep working on supporting a peaceful coexistence of its residents.
active steps to combat discrimination in connection with – Refugees in Heidelberg

Nearly 60 million people around the world are fleeing hardship, war and terror – more than ever before. The city of Heidelberg is affected in three main areas: it takes care of accommodation and integration for refugees allocated to the local authority; it takes care of unaccompanied minors from abroad; and it supports the central registration center for Baden-Württemberg in Patrick Henry Village. In addition, large numbers of volunteers and organizations, societies, businesses and other facilities are involved in helping refugees in Heidelberg.
accommodation in all areas of the city. more Collaboration with – Energy consulting

For years, the development of energy prices has known only one direction: upward. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that we need to use energy resources differently to protect the environment and climate. Environmental awareness is strong in Heidelberg, but the climate protection goals are not yet being achieved. 
service offered by the city of Heidelberg provides you with