heidelberg.de – The right bin for your waste https://www.heidelberg.de/english/Home/City+Hall/the+right+bin+for+your+waste.html
Telephone advice: If you have any questions, please
Telephone advice: If you have any questions, please
Children can have lunch at school and do their homework
Heidelberg is
– who come from 160 different countries – 56,000 have
Heidelberg erleben, Vitale „kleine Großstadt“ Wer in Heidelberg unterwegs ist, spürt die Lebendigkeit der Neckarstadt. Eine Vitalität, die vielfältig erfahrbar ist: in der Gastronomie, im Einzelhandel und in den Freizeit- und Kulturangeboten der „kleinen Großstadt“ Heidelberg. Highlights wie das Musikfestival Heidelberger Frühling mit klassischer und zeitgenössischer Musik, die internationalen Literaturtage oder die viel beachteten Vorstellungen des Fünf-Sparten-Theaters in der Altstadt, prägen die Erlebnisqualität Heidelbergs ebenso wie sportliche und naturverbundene Freizeitangebote oder die viel besuchten Stadt- und Stadtteilfeste.
you’ll find it on your doorstep in Heidelberg – and we have
Nearly 60 million people around the world are fleeing hardship, war and terror – more than ever before. The city of Heidelberg is affected in three main areas: it takes care of accommodation and integration for refugees allocated to the local authority; it takes care of unaccompanied minors from abroad; and it supports the central registration center for Baden-Württemberg in Patrick Henry Village. In addition, large numbers of volunteers and organizations, societies, businesses and other facilities are involved in helping refugees in Heidelberg.
Accommodation Heidelberg council sites Refugees who have
There is always something happening in Heidelberg. Whatever the time of year, the annual calendar of events is brimming over with exciting things to do and places to go.
the UNESCO City of Literature Heidelberg, visitors have
or liability for third-party websites, nor does it have
Requested: Knowledge about districts
Heidelberg’s district councilors have been contributing
70 per cent of overnight stays in Heidelberg are made by business travelers to this university city with its rich history and cultural traditions and enviable reputation in economics and science.
To help you choose, we have put together some ideas
their bins themselves on the day of collection, or have