Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Финландын Ерөнхийлөгч эрхэмсэг ноён Саули Нийнистө Орчин үеийн урлагийн музейд болсон Хоёр жилийн ойд

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – President of Finland His Excellency, Sauli Niinistö, hosted the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and opened his remarks by asking, „how come we live in a world where something self-evident, namely that women and men, all born, are equal is still an issue? We should not need a movement like this in the 21st century.“
of the wealthiest countries in the world, and that gender

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O Excelentíssimo Sauli Niinistö, Presidente da Finlândia, é o anfitrião do segundo aniversário do HeForShe no MoMA

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – President of Finland His Excellency, Sauli Niinistö, hosted the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and opened his remarks by asking, „how come we live in a world where something self-evident, namely that women and men, all born, are equal is still an issue? We should not need a movement like this in the 21st century.“
of the wealthiest countries in the world, and that gender

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Minha roupa, minha escolha

The 40-year-old Kenyan activist came across HeForShe on social media in November 2014 and signed the campaign’s commitment. It came at a time when Erick was exploring the direction for a project he had been incubating called Spice Chungu. Inspired by HeForShe, he transformed his project to establish a creative hub in western Kenya to empower rural women. Women have always impacted society in their own creative ways. The men, however, have never stood up to realize and recognize these abilities.
Reflecting on his path in support of gender equality

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يعلن رئيس برايس ووترهاوس كوبر إنترناشنال المحدودة بوب موريتز الأثر الكبير في الذكرى السنوية الثانية لحملة HeForShe في مدينة نيويورك

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – HeForShe IMPACT Champion and Chairman of Pricewaterhouse Coopers International Limited, Bob Moritz, co-hosted the HeForShe second anniversary event at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
the numerous ways that PwC is working to advance gender

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フィンランドのサウリ・ニーニスト大統領、MoMAでHeForShe 2周年記念イベントを主催

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – President of Finland His Excellency, Sauli Niinistö, hosted the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and opened his remarks by asking, „how come we live in a world where something self-evident, namely that women and men, all born, are equal is still an issue? We should not need a movement like this in the 21st century.“
of the wealthiest countries in the world, and that gender

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يستضيف فخامة رئيس فنلندا ساولي نينيستو الاحتفال بالذكرى السنوية الثانية لحملة HeForShe في متحف الفن الحديث

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – President of Finland His Excellency, Sauli Niinistö, hosted the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and opened his remarks by asking, „how come we live in a world where something self-evident, namely that women and men, all born, are equal is still an issue? We should not need a movement like this in the 21st century.“
of the wealthiest countries in the world, and that gender

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芬兰总统Sauli Niinistö阁下在MoMA主持HeForShe两周年纪念活动

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – President of Finland His Excellency, Sauli Niinistö, hosted the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and opened his remarks by asking, „how come we live in a world where something self-evident, namely that women and men, all born, are equal is still an issue? We should not need a movement like this in the 21st century.“
of the wealthiest countries in the world, and that gender

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The 40-year-old Kenyan activist came across HeForShe on social media in November 2014 and signed the campaign’s commitment. It came at a time when Erick was exploring the direction for a project he had been incubating called Spice Chungu. Inspired by HeForShe, he transformed his project to establish a creative hub in western Kenya to empower rural women. Women have always impacted society in their own creative ways. The men, however, have never stood up to realize and recognize these abilities.
Reflecting on his path in support of gender equality

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My Dress, My Choice

The 40-year-old Kenyan activist came across HeForShe on social media in November 2014 and signed the campaign’s commitment. It came at a time when Erick was exploring the direction for a project he had been incubating called Spice Chungu. Inspired by HeForShe, he transformed his project to establish a creative hub in western Kenya to empower rural women. Women have always impacted society in their own creative ways. The men, however, have never stood up to realize and recognize these abilities.
Reflecting on his path in support of gender equality

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Миний даашинз, Миний сонголт

The 40-year-old Kenyan activist came across HeForShe on social media in November 2014 and signed the campaign’s commitment. It came at a time when Erick was exploring the direction for a project he had been incubating called Spice Chungu. Inspired by HeForShe, he transformed his project to establish a creative hub in western Kenya to empower rural women. Women have always impacted society in their own creative ways. The men, however, have never stood up to realize and recognize these abilities.
Reflecting on his path in support of gender equality

  • International
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