Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: tore

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – Februar

Der erste Jahrestag des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine beherrschte im Februar die Nachrichten aus Polen: So hat Polen als erstes Land offiziell seine erste Tranche von vier Leopard-Kampfpanzern an die Ukraine geliefert. Des Weiteren besuchte US-Präsidenten Biden Warschau und betonte in seiner Rede das Engagement seines Landes für die Ukraine. Während seines Besuchs traf Biden auch mit führenden Vertretern der Ostflanke der NATO zusammen. Unterdessen wurde der polnische Journalist Andrzej Poczubut in Belarus verurteilt.
Sport Das Tor des Jahres Der amputierte Fußballspieler

Podcast: #11 Talking about Local Politics

Looking for solutions at the local level, involving responsible individuals and making use of decentralised local competences and knowledge are important principles to get local government politics close to citizens, encourage their participation, communicate with them more effectively and make government more efficient.
Montag ihren Höhepunkt erreicht: Vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Istanbul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

FNF has been actively working in Türkiye with partners from civil society, academia, economy and politics since 1991, when we opened our office in Ankara. In 2002, we moved to Istanbul. Türkiye is of crucial importance for Germany, Europe and the transatlantic cooperation due to its history, culture, economy, and geographical location. Therefore, FNF offers support to liberal-minded citizens and organizations in Türkiye to promote liberal values in the society. This way, we strive to contribute to a liberal, democratic and prospering Türkiye for all citizens. Türkçe | Deutsch
konusundaki çalışmaları’ nedeniyle Berlin’de düzenlenen tören

Istanbul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

FNF has been actively working in Türkiye with partners from civil society, academia, economy and politics since 1991, when we opened our office in Ankara. In 2002, we moved to Istanbul. Türkiye is of crucial importance for Germany, Europe and the transatlantic cooperation due to its history, culture, economy, and geographical location. Therefore, FNF offers support to liberal-minded citizens and organizations in Türkiye to promote liberal values in the society. This way, we strive to contribute to a liberal, democratic and prospering Türkiye for all citizens. Türkçe | Deutsch
konusundaki çalışmaları’ nedeniyle Berlin’de düzenlenen tören

Istanbul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

FNF has been actively working in Türkiye with partners from civil society, academia, economy and politics since 1991, when we opened our office in Ankara. In 2002, we moved to Istanbul. Türkiye is of crucial importance for Germany, Europe and the transatlantic cooperation due to its history, culture, economy, and geographical location. Therefore, FNF offers support to liberal-minded citizens and organizations in Türkiye to promote liberal values in the society. This way, we strive to contribute to a liberal, democratic and prospering Türkiye for all citizens. Türkçe | Deutsch
konusundaki çalışmaları’ nedeniyle Berlin’de düzenlenen tören

Israel: Keine Toleranz für Terror – Solidarität mit Israel

Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit steht solidarisch an Israels Seite, gegen Terror und für Frieden in der Region. Alle Menschen teilen das Grundrecht auf ein Leben in Sicherheit, frei von der Angst vor Gewalt! Wir geben die Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft, in der Israelis und Palästinenser Seite an Seite in Frieden, Sicherheit und Wohlstand leben können, nicht auf.
Lights als Solidaritätsbekundung auf das Brandenburger Tor

Israel: Keine Toleranz für Terror – Solidarität mit Israel

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom stands in solidarity with Israel against terror and for peace in the region. All people share the basic right to live in security, free from the fear of violence! We do not give up hope for a future in which Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace, security and prosperity.
Lights als Solidaritätsbekundung auf das Brandenburger Tor