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DISINFORMATION: The attacks and demonising narratives against the opposition and the media continue after the European elections

Disinformers in Slovakia have interpreted the results of the EP elections as a desired decline of progressivism and a change of circumstances in favour of patriotic political forces. Attacks on the Slovak mainstream media and the opposition also continued to trend. At the same time, the disinformation ecosystem is returning to tried and tested narratives about the war in Ukraine. These are often in direct line with Russian propaganda.
gravedigger of Slovakia“, a „liar and collaborator“, and sent

Newsletter: From Poland With Love – November

Poland and Hungary vetoed the EU’s historic EUR 1,8 trillion budget and Covid-19 recovery plan over attempts to link funding to respect for the rule of law and democratic norms. The Rule of Law Mechanism would give the European Union a tool for sanctioning violations of stated democratic principles. In his monthly newsletter, guest contributor Dr. Milosz Hodun is giving us updates about current news, events and all other things you need to know about Poland.
A special anti-hooligan squat was sent to pacify a

From Poland With Love – November

Polen und Ungarn legten ihr Veto gegen den historischen 1,8-Billionen-Euro-Haushalt und das Covid-19-Konjunkturprogramm der EU ein gegen den Versuch, die Finanzierung an die Einhaltung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und demokratischen Normen zu knüpfen. Der Rechtsstaatlichkeitsmechanismus würde der Europäischen Union ein Instrument geben, um Verstöße gegen erklärte demokratische Prinzipien zu sanktionieren. In seinem monatlichen Newsletter informiert uns Gastautor Dr. Milosz Hodun über aktuelle Nachrichten, Veranstaltungen und alles andere, was Sie über Polen wissen müssen.
A special anti-hooligan squat was sent to pacify a