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Earthquake relief : Diplomatic thaw between Turkey and Armenia?

Once again, two earthquakes shook the Turkish-Syrian border region yesterday, killing six people in Turkey. To ensure better care for the survivors, Turkey opened a border crossing despite deep enmity with neighbouring Armenia. Armenia was one of the first countries to send rescue teams to both Turkey and Syria. Through humanitarian cooperation, the two countries are now seeking to normalise their relations. Can a rapprochement succeed despite the disputes that have lasted for almost a century?
February 14, another amount of humanitarian aid was sent

Croatia: Showdown in Zagreb

On March 15, President Zoran Milanović shocked the Croatian public twice: firstly, when he postponed the parliamentary elections to April 17, a Wednesday. Just hours later, the president lashed out against the corruption practices of the permanently ruling HDZ and announced – still as a president – his candidacy as prime minister in a „government of national salvation“.
Milanović’s tirade The president’s surprise announcement sent

Venezuela: Venezuela primary elections

Venezuela is at a historic crossroads: despite significant obstacles, the country held opposition-led primaries that illustrate a profound desire for change. María Corina Machado emerged victorious with around 90 per cent of the vote. But challenges remain, such as the disqualification of candidates and the use of public institutions and propaganda in favour of power holder Maduro, which require international action.
Maria Corina Machado in June, the European Parliament sent

EU asylum policy: EU-Asylpolitik

Hardly any observers had evaluated this agreement possible after years of tug-of-war over asylum reform: At the beginning of June, the interior ministers of the EU member states, including Nancy Faeser (SPD), voted in favor of a significant tightening of European asylum policy. The traffic light parties also justified their approval on the grounds that an agreement would have failed if Germany had abstained. Overall, it could be observed in the debates that a broad majority in Europe was in favor of more control in immigration.
It can only really work if migrants can be sent back

Bangladesh: Fifty Years of Independence: An Overview of Bangladesh’s Development

In the mid-1970s, shortly after Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan on 16 December 1971, Henry Kissinger dismissively called Bangladesh a “basket case.” Today the country has attained sustainable economic growth, significant poverty reduction, and continued improvements in human development indicators.
from export of readymade garments and remittance sent

Georgia: Georgia is Europe!

Georgian President Salome Zurabichvili is trying to accelerate Georgia’s reform process towards Europe. The author spoke at length with her and liberal Georgian partners about the country’s tortuous path to becoming a truly liberal democracy that will one day qualify for EU membership.
Fractures The Wagner Group’s mutiny against the Kremlin sent

Slovakia: Being queer in Slovakia? A nightmare

Slovak queer people barely enjoy any rights in their homeland. In the still strongly catholic country, there are no officially approved partnerships for people with same-sex orientation. On the contrary, marriage is anchored in the constitution as a unique bond between a man and a woman. The anti-LGBTQI+ and anti-gender narratives of top Slovak politicians and the Catholic Church, are contributing to this.
by an MP from the Oľano parliamentary group, was sent

MENAPOL Blog: The Arab World: Between the Coronavirus Pandemic and the Plague of Populism

As the global coronavirus pandemic seems to have placed the world in the eye of a collective storm, with over 120,000 confirmed deaths, the global economy has entered a state of acute stagnation and contraction across diverse sectors, suggesting the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
pandemic relatively well and the Cuban model, which sent

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s poor bear brunt of rioting prices

UNDER the heavy African sky, an aura of unease seeps into Zimbabwe’s rural heartland. As the sun retreats behind the hills of Tandi communal lands in Rusape, Manicaland province, it casts long, spectral shadows over VaMamoyo’s small thatched hut. VaMamoyo is a woman of remarkable tenacity. Her skin, a complex tapestry of wrinkles, echoes tales of her endurance and resilience. Looking closely at a meagre assembly of grocery items that lay before her, she looks at them with a worried frown.
Questions sent to the Ministry of Finance and Economic

Sub-Saharan Africa | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The future of Africa is often regarded in a strangely unimaginative and pessimistic way. Yet Africa today is full of diversity, economic potential and innovative development.  However, the continent faces numerous challenges. As a liberal foundation, we believe that sustainable development depends on strong democratic institutions. Through our activities, we therefore promote liberal policies such as human rights, the rule of law, innovation, digitalisation and free trade.  From our offices in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Harare, Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Abidjan and Dakar, we support partners in several African countries in advocating liberal values and implementing democratic structures.
„shooting“ of Bobi Wine in Bulindo on September 3 sent