Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: romania

Bukarest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Die FNF ist seit 1991 in Rumänien präsent. 2014 wurde dann in Bukarest ein Büro für Rumänien und sein Partnerland Moldawien eröffnet. In 30 Jahren unablässiger Tätigkeit hat sie mit allen lokalen liberalen Parteien, Kräften und NROs zusammengearbeitet, die für das Ideal der Freiheit kämpfen. Der wichtigste politische Partner ist heute die USR Partei. Die Stärkung der liberalen Jugend und der Frauenbewegung innerhalb und außerhalb politischer und unpolitischer Organisationen bleibt ein zentraler Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit. Deshalb ist die Stiftung heute eine anerkannte Stimme des wahren Liberalismus in Rumänien.
Democratie , în cooperare cu Friedrich Naumann Foundation Romania

EU Enlargement: Georgia receives candidate status

The European Council keeping the appetite for the EU’s eastward enlargement, decided to grant the candidate status to Georgia and open the accession negotiation with Ukraine and Moldova. The decision has a great political weight and sends a strong signal to the Georgian people. It says that Brussels sees and appreciates the Georgian people’s dedication and fight for freedom and Europeanization. However, this is not the end of the road, but rather the start of it.
Union Regional Office EN DE Bucharest Romania

Bosnia and Herzegovina: EU membership negotiations: Europe is ours!

On 21 March, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The decision came after Bosnian and Herzegovinian authorities met the relevant requirements set forth by the European Commission, paving the way for a new dimension in relations between BiH and the European Union (EU).
Union Regional Office EN DE Bucharest Romania

Digital Currency: The Rise of the e-RMB – China’s Plans for its CBDC

Chinas new CBDC, the e-RMB, will give the People’s Bank of China and, by extension, the Chinese Communist Party, almost unlimited insight into the financial lives of its citizens and companies. What are the intensions behind this CBDC? What will this mean for the internationalisation of the RMB? How can Europe react? FNF’s Global Innovation Hub has just published an analysis by Andrew Work on the topic
Union Regional Office EN DE Bucharest Romania

#FemaleForwardInternational: #FemaleForwardInternational Publication for East and Southeast Europe

Download now the #FemaleForwardInternational Publication for East and Southeast Europe. The liberal stories of female leadership and empowerment worth sharing span across a wide spectrum – human rights, civil society, media, education, law, academia, art, entrepreneurship, business, economics, politics, public policy, international development, foreign policy, defence, diplomacy, migration, and more. Meet the 33 ambassadors from 16 countries.
female representation and gender equity: Bulgaria, Romania