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NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – December

After obstruction by the President of the Republic himself, the Polish Sejm finally elected Donald Tusk as Prime Minister. The new government took immediate action and, among other things, depoliticized Polish state television. During the election of the new Prime Minister, an anti-Semitic incident occurred in the Sejm building.
him to lose half of three months of his salary and per

DISINFORMATION: Bogeyman Šimečka and the „peace“ celebration of the Slovak National Uprising. Disinformers continue to build pro-Russian sentiments in Slovak society

The leader of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, continued to be subjected to dubious accusations by the ruling coalition in the past weeks. The 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), which falls on 29 August, has become the target of manipulation and political abuse as well, which has been dominated by the glorification of today’s Russia and the justification of its actions towards Ukraine.
experienced a strong slump (GDP fell to -2.1% and GDP per

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love. January

The beginning of the year was a very intense period for Poland, both in terms of political changes and disputes. Two former ministers have been imprisoned and the country has seen the current coalition and the opposition fight over their case. In addition, changes are taking place in other areas. The youngest schoolchildren are being freed from homework and Polish state television has been depoliticised after 8 years.
EUR 1.100) perform 20 hours of community service per

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love. June

In June, the most prominent issues in Poland once again centered on elections, this time for the European Parliament. Donald Tusk’s coalition emerged victorious, thereby ending a long streak of wins for the PiS party. Another significant concern was security, notably due to the ongoing tensions along the Belarusian-Polish border. Additionally, new conflicts have arisen in Polish-German relations.
Extreme poverty is as an income below EUR 210 per month

DISINFORMATION: Bogeyman Šimečka and the „peace“ celebration of the Slovak National Uprising. Disinformers continue to build pro-Russian sentiments in Slovak society

The leader of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, continued to be subjected to dubious accusations by the ruling coalition in the past weeks. The 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), which falls on 29 August, has become the target of manipulation and political abuse as well, which has been dominated by the glorification of today’s Russia and the justification of its actions towards Ukraine.
experienced a strong slump (GDP fell to -2.1% and GDP per

Safety and Privacy in the Time of COVID-19: Contract Tracing Applications

As the number of global COVID-19 confirmed cases passed 5 million, public and private actors are continuing to take measures to contain the pandemic. The biggest sanitary crisis of the last century has already claimed 324,000 life.Government actions have varied from one country to another. While some countries have chosen to apply strict lockdowns, others have adopted laissez-faire attitudes.
Contact Tracing API An API is not an application per

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love – Februar

Der erste Jahrestag des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine beherrschte im Februar die Nachrichten aus Polen: So hat Polen als erstes Land offiziell seine erste Tranche von vier Leopard-Kampfpanzern an die Ukraine geliefert. Des Weiteren besuchte US-Präsidenten Biden Warschau und betonte in seiner Rede das Engagement seines Landes für die Ukraine. Während seines Besuchs traf Biden auch mit führenden Vertretern der Ostflanke der NATO zusammen. Unterdessen wurde der polnische Journalist Andrzej Poczubut in Belarus verurteilt.
und unparteiisches Gericht entspricht, die zuvor per