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United Nations: Unpacking the Global Digital Compact

The United Nations Member States vision will be on display at the Summit of the Future 2024 in New York from September 21 to 25. The main outcome of the Summit will be the adoption of the ‘Pact of the Future’. The Pact also contains another document that is supposed to be adopted at the Summit: The Global Digital Compact. This article will unpack the raison d’être of the Compact and analyse how human rights are implied, before critically assessing the GDC from a human rights perspective.
this accessibility divide by the fact that ‘only 21 per

Liberalismus : „Liberalism needs Democracy“

The famous US political scientist Francis Fukuyama explains in an interview with why populists and nationalists will fail. The political leaders in these countries are transfiguring the past in a nationalistic nostalgia and not providing adequate solutions. How liberal is our international order? Why are we witnessing a new upsurge of anti-liberal forces right now? Even if there is no automatism for liberal democracy, it is still worth fighting for. Its foundation of human and moral truth , that all people have a minimum of freedom, that they are respected and treated fairly, is universal.
sovereignty, we can see that this is not a liberal value per

PHILIPPINES: F for Freedom, F for Fighter, F for Las Filipinas: A glimpse into liberalism in the Philippines

Veronica Burgstaller, Communications Manager at FNF Europe, recently embarked on a transformative journey with the One Foundation Program in the Philippines. Her experience highlights the rich yet complex history of a nation grappling with its colonial past and ongoing struggles for democracy. Through this immersive exchange, Veronica could explore the deep-rooted political and cultural dynamics of the Philippines while fostering global collaboration within FNF.
Philippines, but he also attacked the Liberal Party per

Internationale Politik: Verfassung in Israel

In Israel haben seit der Vorlage der Justizreform massive Proteste stattgefunden, die das Land erschüttert haben. Die Unruhen haben die israelische Gesellschaft tief gespalten und zu Konflikten zwischen verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen geführt. Es gibt nur wenige Lösungsvorschläge für diese Verfassungskrise. Doch Bundespräsident Herzog hat inoffiziell einen Vorschlag für einen politischen Kompromiss unterbreitet, der von der Opposition begrüßt, aber von der Koalition abgelehnt wurde.
wandte sich Verteidigungsminister Yaov Gallant (Likud) per

Westafrika: Der Militärputsch kommt wieder in Mode

Fünf afrikanische Staaten wurden in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten von Militärputschen erschüttert. Eine davon besonders betroffene Region ist Westafrika. Auch wenn die Coups trotz ihrer geografischen Nähe unterschiedliche Hintergründe haben, gibt es ähnliche Ursachen – an denen die internationale Gebergemeinschaft nicht unschuldig ist.
internationalen Gemeinschaft anerkannt, da dieser Prozess per

Journalism: Chronicle of an Urban Crime in İzmir’s Historic Neighbourhood

Uncertainty lingers over the future of İzmir’s Damlacık neighbourhood, a third-degree archaeological site. An urban transformation project is underway in an area demolished after the construction of a tunnel. Eight years later, Damlacık is a derelict neighbourhood, but Turkish authorities still refuse to bear responsibility for the damages caused.
whereas the amount given to us was just 1,000 lira per