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MIGRATION: Migration in Greece

The lack of a modern and sustainable migration policy in Greece is evident. Experts and representatives of CSOs’, report the main issues, they face in their effort to promote a smooth integration of refugees/immigrants in Greece. Konstantinos Saravakos, head of KEFiM’s Research Programs and PhD candidate in University of Macedonia, gathers experts’ reports and presents policy proposals for a more effective immigration policy.
been registered in Greece since 2013, distributed per

Hanoi | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) is a German foundation devoted to the promotion of liberal principles and to political education, both in Germany and abroad. FNF opened its office in Vietnam in September 2012 with a wide range of topics: Provincial Competitiveness Index, Free Trade Agreements, market economy, and smart city. Our partners include Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR), University of Economics and Business (VNU-UEB), Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), among other localities and organisations. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us or reach our team here.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Kebebasan Ekonomi: Kondisi Kebebasan Ekonomi Bali dan Relasinya dengan HAM

FNF Indonesia bersama Institut Demokrasi dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (INDEKS) serta didukung oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) Republik Indonesia berhasil menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Kebebasan Ekonomi dan HAM di Kota Denpasar, Bali, pada Jumat 26 Juli sampai Minggu 28 Juli 2024. Pelatihan ini diharapkan akan memperkuat kapasitas individu, komunitas, dan institusi lokal dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih stabil dan inklusif di Bali.
Minimum Provinsi (UMP) setahun 31,07% terhadap PDRB per

women to women : „The owner of ’she creates,‘ an initiative aimed at enhancing business connections among women through WOMEN TO WOMEN.“

„Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, female artisans across the country have faced significant challenges. Amidst these difficulties, Wai Wai Kyaw from Wai Wai noodle palace came up with the idea to form a collective group consisting of women entrepreneurs and female artisans to establish an association. Consequently, in March 2022, she initiated ’she creates,‘ gathering women creators at one platform. This month’s women to women program will discuss the inception of ’she creates,‘ its purpose, and the anticipated benefits it aims to provide to women creators.“
The four rooms brought in about 270,000 MMK per month

Đầu tư nước ngoài: Việt Nam: Mở khóa cơ hội, đón thêm “đại bàng” từ Mỹ

Nhiều năm qua, doanh nghiệp Mỹ có xu hướng đầu tư tích cực vào Việt Nam, với sự gia tăng ổn định về số dự án và vốn đăng ký. Trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2023, nhà đầu tư Mỹ đóng góp hơn 405 triệu USD, đứng vị trí thứ 8 trong số các quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ đầu tư vào Việt Nam. Doanh nghiệp đang nhìn vào Việt Nam như một điểm đến cho sự phát triển và cơ hội. Việt Nam cần tận dụng triệt để cơ hội này để đón thêm những “đại bàng” từ Mỹ.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Studienreise: Republik Moldau: Ein von Russland polarisierter Staat im Fokus einer S

Am 16.11.2023 hat der Deutsche Bundestag beschlossen, dass unter anderem die Republik Moldau künftig als sicheres Herkunftsland im Sinne des Asylrechts gelten soll. Ende Oktober nahm eine FNF-Studienreise mit deutschen Medienschaffenden den derzeit vielleicht am stärksten von hybriden Angriffen Russlands betroffenen und polarisierten Staat Europas in den Fokus.
kofferweise durch Bürger der ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken per