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women to women : „The owner of ’she creates,‘ an initiative aimed at enhancing business connections among women through WOMEN TO WOMEN.“

„Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, female artisans across the country have faced significant challenges. Amidst these difficulties, Wai Wai Kyaw from Wai Wai noodle palace came up with the idea to form a collective group consisting of women entrepreneurs and female artisans to establish an association. Consequently, in March 2022, she initiated ’she creates,‘ gathering women creators at one platform. This month’s women to women program will discuss the inception of ’she creates,‘ its purpose, and the anticipated benefits it aims to provide to women creators.“
The four rooms brought in about 270,000 MMK per month

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Kebebasan Ekonomi: Kondisi Kebebasan Ekonomi Bali dan Relasinya dengan HAM

FNF Indonesia bersama Institut Demokrasi dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (INDEKS) serta didukung oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) Republik Indonesia berhasil menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Kebebasan Ekonomi dan HAM di Kota Denpasar, Bali, pada Jumat 26 Juli sampai Minggu 28 Juli 2024. Pelatihan ini diharapkan akan memperkuat kapasitas individu, komunitas, dan institusi lokal dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih stabil dan inklusif di Bali.
Minimum Provinsi (UMP) setahun 31,07% terhadap PDRB per

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Training: Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2024

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for the specific context of the mission-driven sector. Apply by 14 April, to join join this professional community of non-profit communicators from civil society organizations, foundations, think tanks, change-makers, working on liberal topics in Europe. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

South Africa: A President Under Enormous Pressure

Many believe that President Ramaphosa would be the only one who can save the party from electoral disaster, but a scathing report released in November, with just over two weeks to go to the conference, exposed Ramaphosa as potentially much less clean than the corruption-fighting leader he has thus far been. The report – compiled by an independent panel appointed by parliament and headed by a retired chief justice found that there might be grounds for impeachment.
of electricity shortages (load-shedding/blackouts) per

Südkorea: Parlamentswahl in Südkorea 2024

Am 10. April wählt Südkorea ein neues Parlament. Inhalte stehen nicht im Zentrum des Wahlkampfes. Trotz zunehmender sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Probleme geht es vor allem um Intrigen und persönliche Anfeindungen – und um einen beispiellosen Ärztestreik. Viele Koreaner haben das Vertrauen in ihr Parlament verloren und wünschen sich eine bessere demokratische Kultur.
So werden per Verhältniswahlrecht 46 weitere Sitze

#JetztMutMachen: 10-Punkte-Guide für Bildung nach dem Shutdown

Seit mehr als einem Monat sind die Schulen in Deutschland geschlossen. Trotzdem mangelt es immer noch an einer klaren Perspektive, wie hybride Schulbildung in den Zeiten des Coronavirus aussehen soll. Daher müssen jetzt smarte Ideen umgesetzt werden, um allen Schülerinnen und Schüler ein bestmögliches Bildungsangebot zukommen zu lassen und eine digitale Spaltung zu vermeiden.
ausreichend für den Einsatz eines Tools zum Distanzlernen per

Geopolitik: Gipfel-Marathon in Südostasien

Der Wettstreit zwischen dem Westen und China um politischen und militärischen Einfluss im Indo-Pazifik-Raum spitzt sich zu. Mitte November finden in Kambodscha, Indonesien und Thailand acht Gipfeltreffen in neun Tagen statt. Auch Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin ist in alle drei Länder eingeladen, jedoch ist noch unklar, ob er teilnehmen wird. An wichtigen Themen mangelt es nicht: Ukraine, Nordkorea, Iran, Taiwan, Klima, Energie, Ernährungssicherheit und Inflation. Der Gipfelmarathon in Südostasien reflektiert die gestiegene Bedeutung der Region.
Selenskyj signalisierte später, per Video am G20-Gipfel