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#JetztMutMachen: Repressive Gesetzesentwürfe in Zeiten von Corona

Die zunehmend autokratischen Tendenzen, die sich in Polen und Ungarn während der Corona-Krise beobachten lassen, versetzen die EU in Alarmbereitschaft. Menschenrechtsaktivisten befürchten, dass die Pandemie von den nationalkonservativen Regierungen in beiden Ländern genutzt wird, um deren Macht zu festigen und Demokratie und Menschenrechte zu untergraben.
Orbán sicherte sich bereits das Recht, sein Land per

Covid-19 Pandemic: Centralized Policies, Delayed Actions and a Pandemic

As months pass by since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, slowly but surely, the world is learning that this is not solely a healthcare crisis. The crisis has cast doubt on the priorities of governments vis-à-vis an unseen enemy. An enemy which has brought to the fore the dissimilarities in the actions of different polities all over the world in facing the challenge. While some countries adopted prompt preventive and mitigative measures to flatten the endemic curve, others failed to act timely.
made a blunt prediction about the possibility of 70 per

Kosovo: „Koalition der Hoffnung“ vor dem Aus?

In Kosovo droht der erst am 3. Februar angetretenen Regierung von Premier Albin Kurti bereits wieder der Fall. Mitten in der Coronakrise hat ausgerechnet die mitregierende LDK einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die eigene Regierungskoalition mit Kurtis linksnationaler „Vetevendosje – Selbstbestimmung“ (LVV) eingereicht.
eingelassen habe, erklärte der LDK-Chef am Sonntag per

Global Minimum Tax: Vietnam must meet the challenge of a Global Minimum Tax

137 countries have agreed on details for tax reform after years of negotiations. Supporters of this global minimum tax (GMT) speak of a historic breakthrough in the fight against tax avoidance. However, there is also criticism. Vietnam is an official partner of the GMT and currently is trying to adapt the new rules in the best possible way to continue to be attractive for FDI.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Ấn phẩm: FNF Việt Nam và Nhà Xuất Bản Phụ nữ ra mắt hai cuốn sách mới

Tháng 11 năm 2023, FNF Việt Nam và Nhà xuất bản Phụ nữ đã thành công xuất bản và ra mắt công chúng hai cuốn sách hấp dẫn với chủ đề kinh tế xã hội và mang tính thực tế cao, đó là cuốn “Sự tiến bộ – 10 lý do để hướng tới tương lại” của tác giả Johan Norberg & cuốn “Đánh bại lạm phát” của hai tác giả Hermann Simon và Andreas Stoffers.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

ANALYSIS: German Supply Chain Act: Sustainability focus and Vietnam’s implications

The 2023 German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act prioritises sustainable criteria in global supply chains. Prof. Dr. Andreas Stoffers, Country Director of FNF Vietnam, and Ms. Lanh Huyen Nhu, Coordinator of the ‚Sustainable and Climate Resilient Supply Chains in Vietnam‘ Project at the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK) in Vietnam spoke with Vietnam Investment Review (VIR) on the opportunities and challenges the new law provides for Vietnam.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per