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El Salvador: Bitcoin: Das neuste Experiment des salvadorianischen Präsidenten mit autokratischen Zügen

Im Juni hat das Parlament von El Salvador die Verwendung von Bitcoin als offizielle Zweitwährung erlaubt. Nun ist das entsprechende Gesetz in Kraft getreten. Doch viele Fragen bleiben offen. Präsident Bukele scheint eher seine Macht austesten zu wollen, als die finanzielle Inklusion seines armen Landes voranzutreiben.
können und jedes Unternehmen, jedes Geschäft ist per

SMART CITY: FNF Việt Nam và Đại học Huế tổ chức chuỗi hội thảo về Đô thị xanh và Thành phố Thông minh

Trước thách thức về ô nhiễm môi trường và quản lý rác thải đô thị, HUIS – Khoa Quốc tế – Đại học Huế và Viện Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) tại Việt Nam đã tổ chức hai hội thảo quốc tế về ứng dụng công nghệ vào quy hoạch và phát triển Đô thị Thông minh, bên cạnh đó làm nổi bật vai trò của phụ nữ trong quá trình phát triển đô thị toàn diện và thích ứng với Biến đổi khí hậu.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Vietnam’s Economy: Will the VAT reduction in Vietnam achieve its goal? A critical-optimistic analysis

It has been almost two months since Vietnam implemented a VAT reduction from 10% to 8% with Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP – together with the CIT-Deductions for Companies. The VAT move is a temporary reduction to be applied from 1/2 to 31/12/2022. The objective is to drive the recovery of the economy in the post-Covid19 time.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

ANALYSIS: Institutional reform to enhance Vietnam’s economic resilience ahead of new challenges

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act mandates responsible supply chain management for German companies, influencing EU-Asian trade and advising Vietnamese businesses and authorities to align with global sustainability standards. Prof. Dr. Andreas Stoffers (FNF Vietnam) and Ms. Lanh Huyen Nhu (AHK Vietnam) spoke with Vietnam Investment Review (VIR) on the various opportunities and challenges posed by the new law in Vietnam.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Publication: FNF Vietnam and Women’s Publishing House Successfully Release Two Insightful Books

In November 2023, FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Women’s Publishing House, successfully published and introduced to the public two captivating books with high practical value on socio-economic topics: „Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future“ by Johan Norberg and „Beating Inflation“ by Hermann Simon and Andreas Stoffers.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Migration Policy Group: Lebanon: From a Host Nation to a Port of Departure?

During last week, we hosted a visiting program on Migration with the support of the FNF Lebanon and Syria office. The FNF Madrid Policy Group composed by liberal policy makers and experts from across Europe, North and West Africa, and the Middle East had the opportunity to get to know the reality of migration management in Lebanon first-hand.
country as the largest recipient of refugee population per

FloodsinPakistan2022: A nod of respect and awe to river Indus

Many would think about why the protection of river Indus is so essential at a time when almost one third of Pakistan is flooded. The answer by Ms Salam and Mr Malik is this : the river is a continuous renewing body of water which provides food, a fisherman’s economy, a means of settlements and the regulated water flow helps agriculture, the backbone of the country’s economy. It needs to be respected.
water availability falls below 1,000 cubic meters per

Baltic Security in a Global Context: Challenges, and Collaborations: Episode 1. The Baltics: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – An overview

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine since February 2022 has shown the seriousness behind the threat of a possible Russian invasion on EU soil. With as primary targets: EU countries that directly border with Russia, such as the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Poland and Finland. A potentiality that maybe – although already known by the countries concerned – started to be fully understood by the rest of Europe from this moment.
Baltic States counting among the first in spending per

SME development in India: Unlocking potential: Key strategies for accelerating SME development in India

With approximately 64 million units (Annual report 2022-23, Ministry of MSME – MoMSME), MSMEs are the backbone of India’s market economy. According to the MSME Ministry’s 2020-21 report, the sector contributes nearly 33% to India’s GDP and 45% to its manufacturing output (December 2023 press release – MoMSME).
As per the MoMSME’s 2020-21 report, a significant portion