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Marokko: Marokko vor den Parlamentswahlen: Viele Parteien, wenig Wähler

In Marokko stehen die dritten Parlamentswahlen seit dem Arabischen Frühling an. Erstmals seit zehn Jahren könnten die moderaten Islamisten die Macht verlieren. Für die nächste Regierung eröffnen sich dadurch neue Chancen – wenn es nur genügend Wähler gäbe.
vorhaben oder auf Reisen sind, denn eine Abstimmung per

Türkei: Türkei Wahlen

In den letzten Tagen vor den alles entscheidenden Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen ist die Stimmung in der Türkei angespannt. Erstmals seit 20 Jahren muss Präsident Erdoğan trotz seiner gewaltigen Machtfülle, seines weitreichenden Zugriffs auf Medien, Justiz und politische Institutionen um seine Wiederwahl fürchten um seine Wiederwahl fürchten. Denn so sehr der autokratische Umbau des Landes auch vorangeschritten ist, der Urnengang hat weiterhin Bedeutung. Die Gremien in den Wahllokalen sind gemischt besetzt und viele Tausende Freiwillige bereiten sich darauf vor, die Auszählungen zu überwachen. Doch wird dies reichen?
die Kriterien erfüllen, wurden die Wahlräte teils per

EVENT: FNF Việt Nam tổ chức Hội nghị Đối tác năm 2024

Hà Nội, ngày 20 tháng 6 năm 2024 – Viện Friedrich Naumann tại Việt Nam (FNF Việt Nam) đã thành công tổ chức Hội nghị Đối tác tại Khách sạn Melia, tại trung tâm Hà Nội. Năm nay, Hội nghị Đối tác 2024 đánh dấu một bước ngoặt quan trọng đối với FNF Việt Nam khi chào đón bà Vanessa Steinmetz trong cương vị Giám đốc Quốc gia mới. Đồng thời, FNF Việt Nam nói lời chia tay với GS. TS. Andreas Stoffers.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Tuyển dụng: FNF Việt Nam tuyển dụng (1) Cán bộ Truyền thông kiêm Trợ lý Giám đốc Quốc gia

Viện Friedrich Naumann tại Việt Nam hiện có nhu cầu tuyển dụng 01 vị trí Cán bộ Truyền thông kiêm Trợ lý Giám đốc Quốc gia (ngắn hạn, 7 tháng) tại Văn phòng Hà Nội. Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 15/08/2023.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

EU Migration Summit: EU special summit: challenges for European migration policy

Member States still lack an effective policy response to migration to Europe. How to effectively address the suffering of flight and crisis? And why there is a need for more than just an open channel for labor migration, explains migration expert and member of the European think tank EuroMeSCo, Xavier Aragall. He says the EU is still far from regulating entry efficiently and coherently. But one thing has recently become clear: Europe’s external borders are to be better protected in the future. What that will look like remains to be seen.
might be on the populations in the states concerned per

Migration: Lebanon: From a Host Nation to a Port of Departure?

FNF Beirut accommodated a visiting program on Migration, organized by FNF Madrid. The FNF Madrid Policy Group composed by liberal policy makers and experts from across Europe, North and West Africa, and the Middle East had the opportunity to get to know the reality of migration management in Lebanon first-hand.
country as the largest recipient of refugee population per

U. K. Prime Minister : Sunak to focus on economic stability and Tory unity, impact on India-UK ties minimal

Rishi Sunak is the third Tory Prime Minister in 2022. The political turmoil within the Conservative Party, the disastrous performance of Liz Truss and the general economic difficulties offered Sunak an opportunity. In his first speech as Prime Minister, Sunak highlighted that the country was facing a profound economic crisis. He asserted that through integrity, professionalism and accountability, he will provide stability and rectify the mistakes of his predecessor. Apart from tough economic leadership, his real challenge is political. As a leader, he has to unite a strongly divided party.
As per reports, 16 chapters across 27 policy areas

Restart21: Economic education: Lithuania shares its success factors

In many European countries, economic education does not always seem to meet the standards to prepare for a life in a modern economy. Recently, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute has developed a textbook that aims to change this. By organizing professional development courses and collecting feedback from teachers and students they have shaped a major stepping stone for modern education.
creeping economic growth of two to three percent per

MENAPOL Blog: ELECTIONS IN MOROCCO: Containing Political Islamism with Mathematics

The Uprisings in the Arab World did not lead to radical change in Morocco, as was the case in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. The regime remained intact and its ruling elite was able to preserve power. However, it was a very important year for Moroccan Moderate Islamists (Parti de la Jeu-nesse et du Dévelopement), as they won elections for the first time in their history taking control of the much-coveted parliamentary majority.
impossible for any party to gain more than one seat per