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Pandemie: Grundrechte kennen keine Quarantäne

Nicht nur die Menschen sind nach über einem Jahr Pandemie, Lockdown, Impf- und Testchaos mürbe. Auch der Rechtsstaat ächzt und stöhnt. Es braucht endlich eine Kehrtwende in der deutschen Politik. Wir sollten unsere mühsam erkämpften Rechte nicht zugunsten eines paternalistischen Fürsorgestaats aufgeben, fordert Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.
Deutschland nach Änderungen der Infektionsschutzgesetze per

Demokratie: Ungarn: Grenzenlose Macht auf unbestimmte Zeit

Das ungarische Parlament hat heute ein „Ermächtigungsgesetz“ beschlossen: Damit kann Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán künftig mit Verordnungen regieren, ohne dass er für seine Gesetze die Zustimmung des Parlaments braucht. Keine Krise rechtfertigt die totale Demontage der Demokratie, mahnt Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.
ermöglicht es dem Ministerpräsidenten Viktor Orbán, per

Training : Liberal Communicators Network (LCN): Non-Profit Academy 2023

The LCN-Non-Profit Academy will empower liberal communicators to adapt cutting-edge communication strategies, innovation, and marketing trends for he specific context of the mission-driven sector. By innovating non-profit communications, liberals will be better equipped to win the hearts and minds, influence shifts in values and behaviour. Join the Academy to become a member of this European network of marketing professionals in international development.
The ideal combination per country: a representative

Economic Freedom: FNF – FRASER – FTU: Seminar on „Trade Liberalization for Regional Economic Integration“

On the morning of December 7, 2022, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) and the Fraser Institute collaborated with Hanoi Foreign Trade University (FTU) to organize a scientific discussion on the topic “Trade Liberalization for Regional Economic Integration”. The seminar is an essential component of the Asia regional economic freedom meeting conducted by the Fraser Institute and the FNF Southeast and East Asia.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Women Empowerment: Xây dựng năng lực cho các nhà lãnh đạo nữ trong ứng dụng công nghệ tại Yên Bái

Từ ngày 22-23/08, Viện FNF Việt Nam phối hợp với Hội Phụ nữ tỉnh Yên Bái tổ chức buổi tập huấn hai ngày về „Nâng cao năng lực ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin“ cho 90 học viên là lãnh đạo Hội Phụ nữ cấp tỉnh, thành phố, huyện, thị xã thuộc tỉnh Yên Bái.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

International Academy for Leadership: Encouraging Innovative Spaces, Ensuring Inclusion and Progress

As a parent sending their child off to school, distance and mode of travel from home become some of the important things to deliberate. This is especially relevant in densely populated and large countries such as Indonesia, South Africa, and India where heavy traffic occupy many cities and safety is thus a highlight.
challenges © Patricia Kandou Challenges of education per

Mexico: Women’s Rights on the Rise

Last week, the Mexican Supreme Court delivered a groundbreaking verdict: the decriminalization of abortion across the country. Abortions in Mexico are now safe and legal in all public health facilities. Mexico’s ruling is another success in the brave struggle for human and women’s rights on the continent and could now have a ripple effect on other Latin American countries like Brazil or Chile.
That averages to more than ten women per day.

Entrepreneurship: Road to Innovate: Driving Change through Social Entrepreneurship in Mexico

Discover how impact ventures are leading the way to a more equitable and sustainable tomorrow. From fighting poverty to preserving the environment, these businesses demonstrate that it is possible to make a difference while making a profit. Join us as we reflect on their crucial role in building a better world.
operate a pilot plant processing up to 500 kg of waste per

Slowenien: Erdrutschsieg Sieg für den grünliberalen Quereinsteiger Golob

Die oppositionelle Freiheitsbewegung des grünliberal ausgerichteten Polit-Neulings Robert Golob ist der klare Sieger der Parlamentswahlen in Slowenien. Der rechtspopulistische Premierminister Janša wurde abgewählt. Als aussichtsreichste Koalitionspartner der Freiheitsbewegung gelten die Sozialdemokraten und die Linke, während die Liste von Marjan Šarec und die Partei von Alenka Bratušek, den Parlamentseinzug verpasst haben.
Golob, der Vorsitzende der Freiheitsbewegung, spricht per