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Zentralamerika: El Salvador – Rechtsstaat unter Beschuss

Seit seiner Wiederwahl greift der salvadorianische Präsident Nayib Bukele die demokratischen Institutionen immer offener an. Mit der Amtsenthebung aller Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofs sowie des Generalstaatsanwalts beendet er de facto die rechtsstaatliche Gewaltenteilung des zentralamerikanischen Landes – und nimmt so eine weitere Hürde auf dem Weg zum langfristigen Machterhalt.
Die willkürlichen, oft per Twitter kommunizierten Entscheidungen

EVFTA: VCCI & FNF: Business Handbook “Exploiting the EVFTA to import and export between Vietnam & Germany”

To support business from both Germany and Vietnam in import and export procedures of Germany and Vietnam and maximize benefits that EVFTA can bring to bilateral trade, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) with the support of the FNF Vietnam compiled and published „Business Handbook – Exploiting the EVFTA to import and export goods between Vietnam and Germany.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

SME in Sri Lanka: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of Sri Lanka

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a pivotal role in maintaining the economic fabric of Sri Lanka, contributing significantly to employment, GDP and social stability. These businesses, characterized by their limited scale in terms of employees, revenue and assets, are the backbone of the Sri Lankan economy. This article delves into the current situation of SMEs, their challenges and support mechanisms available while contemplating future policy directions for a resilient SME sector.
As per the findings of the Department of Census and

Falling Walls Lab 2024: Paving the way to sustainability

Under the inspiring motto „Paving the Way to Sustainability,“ Sekelo Shude triumphed at the Falling Walls Lab held in Cape Town on August 29th, securing first place among 83 competitors. The competition was intense, with only 10 finalists selected to present their groundbreaking ideas in a 3-minute pitch. Sekelo’s project, titled „Breaking the Wall of Plastic Pollution,“ captivated the judges with its innovative approach to tackling environmental challenges. The project focuses on creating durable pavers made from a combination of sand and recycled plastic waste, offering a sustainable solution to the growing problem of plastic pollution.
each brick manually, a process that takes 10 minutes per

Women Empowerment: Building Capacity for Women Leaders in Technology Application in Yen Bai

From August 22nd to 23rd, the FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Yen Bai Provincial Women’s Union, organized a training session on „Enhancing the Capacity for Women Leaders in Yen Bai Province in Technology Application“ for 90 participants, who were leaders of provincial, city, and district-level Women’s Unions in Yen Bai Province.
was the poorest country in the world, with a GDP per

Antisemitismus: Unrechtsstaat

In der Serie “Deconstruct Antisemitism” versuchen wir Antisemitismus zu dekodieren, denn dieser wird oft in Form von Codes und Metaphern kommuniziert. In Sozialen Medien, bei Demonstrationen, in Talkshows, an Stammtischen, in Parlamenten. Mal unbewusst, weil einige Codes seit Jahrhunderten im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Gesellschaft weiterleben, mal bewusst, um zum Beispiel eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung zu umgehen.
beschrieb, steckt der Vorwurf, der israelische Staat sei per