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PHILIPPINES: AHRC’s annual Summer Internship Program brings ‘impactful’ community immersion experience to interns

A total of 11 participants from the Ateneo Law School, Mc Gill University, and Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) attended this year’s AHRC Summer Internship Program (SIP) held on June 20-30, 2024 in Quezon City and in various Agta communities in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Province.
National Situation, Alternative Lawyering, Women and Gender

PHILIPPINES: AHRC’s annual Summer Internship Program brings ‘impactful’ community immersion experience to interns

A total of 11 participants from the Ateneo Law School, Mc Gill University, and Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) attended this year’s AHRC Summer Internship Program (SIP) held on June 20-30, 2024 in Quezon City and in various Agta communities in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Province.
National Situation, Alternative Lawyering, Women and Gender

Podcast: #14 Talking about Markets and the Environment

In today’s episode of IAF TALK Bettina Solinger has gathered the experts from our seminar „The Future of Market Economy“ around a big table in the Academy to have an intensive talk about markets and the environment, and to tackle some important questions: why property rights are important for innovation, why some ideas that are brilliant on the paper but won’t work in reality, how developing countries are dealing with climate change and, of course, if the economy is actually able to protect the environment.
Disaster risk resilience must incorporate gender and

Dakar (Western Africa) | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Foundation for Freedom has had a presence in Dakar, Senegal since 1980. From here it manages most of the West- African Subregion. Senegal has experienced several peaceful transitions of power since achieving independence in 1960. It is considered the most stable country in West Africa. The Foundation focuses its work in Senegal and  in the region on the rule of law, the market economy and respect for human rights. It supports liberal political partners and selected future political leaders. It actively identifies and promotes organisations and individuals willing to take responsibility and contribute to development.
International Read more Read more Bridging the Trench Gender

PHILIPPINES: AHRC’s annual Summer Internship Program brings ‘impactful’ community immersion experience to interns

A total of 11 participants from the Ateneo Law School, Mc Gill University, and Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) attended this year’s AHRC Summer Internship Program (SIP) held on June 20-30, 2024 in Quezon City and in various Agta communities in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Province.
National Situation, Alternative Lawyering, Women and Gender

Harare | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been working in Zimbabwe since 1980. It has witnessed firsthand the dramatic changes that took place in Zimbabwe from the very beginning and supported the work of civil society organisations in times of crisis.  The work of the Foundation focuses on re-establishing the rule of law, liberal democracy and a free market economy, which have been virtually destroyed by the repressive regime currently in power.  The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Harare advocates the protection of the remaining democratic and constitutional liberties with the aim of expanding these once political change has taken place.
Empowering female journalists In a bid to promote gender

Partners: TYAD’s Youth Empowerment Workshops

As global democracy faces challenges, the Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy (TYAD) and Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom’s Global Innovation Hub co-organized youth empowerment workshops to provide young people with knowledge on democracy and advocacy skill training and gather their ideas on how to safeguard democracy. Learn more about their creative ideas for defending democracy from here!
Most popular Gender does exist in science:

#FemaleForwardInternational: Nicht mehr im Schatten der Männer: Der Aufstieg weiblicher Führungskräfte in Ost- und Südosteuropa

Diese Analyse, die Teil von #FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL ist, bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die Freuden und Nöte einer Frau in der Politik in dieser Übergangsregion.
Laut dem Global Gender Gap Report 2020 des Weltwirtschaftsforums

South Africa: A President Under Enormous Pressure

Many believe that President Ramaphosa would be the only one who can save the party from electoral disaster, but a scathing report released in November, with just over two weeks to go to the conference, exposed Ramaphosa as potentially much less clean than the corruption-fighting leader he has thus far been. The report – compiled by an independent panel appointed by parliament and headed by a retired chief justice found that there might be grounds for impeachment.
Food (In-)Security in Africa Most popular Gender

PHILIPPINES: AHRC’s annual Summer Internship Program brings ‘impactful’ community immersion experience to interns

A total of 11 participants from the Ateneo Law School, Mc Gill University, and Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) attended this year’s AHRC Summer Internship Program (SIP) held on June 20-30, 2024 in Quezon City and in various Agta communities in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Province.
National Situation, Alternative Lawyering, Women and Gender