Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gendern

Meintest du gender?

Jerusalem | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been operating in Israel since 1982 and began its Palestinian work in 1994. With an Israeli-Palestinian team in a joint office in Jerusalem the foundation aims to be a platform of innovation for enhancing freedom in society, strengthening dialogue with the European Union and contributing to the advancement of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. Together with our partners, we want to strengthen liberal values like the rule of law, respect of human dignity with civil and human rights, market economy principles and entrepreneurship and a democratic culture of tolerance and pluralism.
International Read more Read more Bridging the Trench Gender

#JetztMutMachen: Repressive Gesetzesentwürfe in Zeiten von Corona

Die zunehmend autokratischen Tendenzen, die sich in Polen und Ungarn während der Corona-Krise beobachten lassen, versetzen die EU in Alarmbereitschaft. Menschenrechtsaktivisten befürchten, dass die Pandemie von den nationalkonservativen Regierungen in beiden Ländern genutzt wird, um deren Macht zu festigen und Demokratie und Menschenrechte zu untergraben.
eingeführt, die das Studienfach Geschlechterforschung (Gender

women to women : A Burmese Woman Who Wants to Make Burmese Traditional Pastries World-Famous

„It needs to be innovative. Currently, as I’m learning more, I plan to work extensively on making it sustainable and beneficial for humanity. I’m going to expand into more training centers for Burmese traditional sweets. Everyone should know about Burmese sweets, and every Burmese woman should be able to make them. That’s the plan I’ve started in 2023 and aim to launch by 2024.“
criticize me for not cooking or insist on traditional gender

Podcast: #14 Talking about Markets and the Environment

In today’s episode of IAF TALK Bettina Solinger has gathered the experts from our seminar „The Future of Market Economy“ around a big table in the Academy to have an intensive talk about markets and the environment, and to tackle some important questions: why property rights are important for innovation, why some ideas that are brilliant on the paper but won’t work in reality, how developing countries are dealing with climate change and, of course, if the economy is actually able to protect the environment.
Disaster risk resilience must incorporate gender and

Colombo | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The association of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom with Sri Lanka is nearly five decades old. During the period 1968 to 2013, and upon recommencing its work in 2016 the Foundation’s work focuses primarily on the core values of freedom and responsibility. The Foundation’s contribution to Sri Lanka’s political, socio-economic development over the years is well accepted, recognized and appreciated by legislators, opinion leaders, academics, and civil society actors.
regardless of their differences in class, religion, gender

Innovation for Democracy Café: Digital Participation Tools: When to use them, how to choose them

Ms Katya Petrikevich provides us an overview on the Digital Participation Guideand Ratings. The global pandemic dramatically stimulated the demand for digital tools for public participation. But how to choose these tools? What aspects should we consider when choosing? Ms Petrikevich introduces the “Guide to Digital Participation Platforms” and explains why civic tech and digital platforms should not be seen as a solution for everything.
The tools were then reviewed by a gender balanced and

PHILIPPINES: AHRC’s annual Summer Internship Program brings ‘impactful’ community immersion experience to interns

A total of 11 participants from the Ateneo Law School, Mc Gill University, and Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) attended this year’s AHRC Summer Internship Program (SIP) held on June 20-30, 2024 in Quezon City and in various Agta communities in Sta. Ana, Cagayan Province.
National Situation, Alternative Lawyering, Women and Gender

Central America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) is the German foundation for liberal politics, created in 1958. The work of the FNF in 60 countries is based on the democratic formation of responsible citizens, political advice of leaders and international political dialogue. In Central America, the FNF has been present for more than 35 years, currently headquartered in Guatemala City (Guatemala), from where the work of the Alianza para Centroamérica is coordinated. The Alianza brings together liberal think-tanks, organizations of the civil society as well as political parties, with which the FNF cooperates in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.
a silent aggression FEMALE FORWARD 25.11.2023 Gender

Tbilisi | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been active in the South Caucasus since 1996. The work began with projects of the political education in Azerbaijan, from 2002 also in Armenia and Georgia. The office is located in Tbilisi, Georgia. The main focus of the work is the transformation process of former soviet republics towards modern democracies with free political systems based on social market economy and the rule of law.
public gatherings, bans same-sex adoption, limits gender