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PHILIPPINES: Heroism from the Eyes of the Young Generation

What really makes a hero? To help the young generation build ongoing relevant conversations and meaningful reflections on how they can become modern-day heroes despite cultural, and psychosocial differences, the Philippine Education Theater Association in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Philippines invited more than 4000 students from 17 schools from Pasig and Tarlac City, and Infanta, Quezon to attend the three-leg Hero Vision 3 campaign.
one-size-fits-all and comes in any shape, size, age, gender

International Press Freedom Day: Stifled Voices: The Plight of Afghan Journalists on World Press Day

Today is International Press Freedom Day. The situation of media freedom has always been a challenge in Afghanistan. But since the Taliban took power in August 2021, it has become even more difficult. All media professionals, especially the women among them, face significant obstacles in Afghanistan when it comes to reporting truthfully and objectively on events in the country. What can be done to better support Afghan media professionals in this difficult time?
Germany: a political red herring Most popular Gender

Latin America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

In Latin America we work to promote strong democratic institutions, respect for human rights and rule of law through good governance, and social market economy. as well as promoting liberal dialogue throughout the region. We have offices in Mexico City (Regional Office and Project Mexico), Guatemala City, Guatemala (Central America), Lima, Peru (Andean Countries), and Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay)
a silent aggression FEMALE FORWARD 25.11.2023 Gender

Human Rights Defenders: Denitsa Lyubenova

Bulgarien ist kein sicheres Land für die LGBTI-Gemeinschaft: Der Balkanstaat ist eines der homophobsten und transphobsten Länder der EU. Führende Politiker weigern sich immer noch, ein deutliches Bekenntnis zu den LGBTI-Rechten abzugeben. Auch innerhalb der konservativen bulgarischen Gesellschaft gibt es kaum Rückhalt für queere Menschen. Die weitverbreitete Korruption in Verbindung mit der Armut unter den Menschen lässt das Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Menschenrechte völlig schwinden. Diese Ablehnung gegenüber sexuellen Minderheiten führt häufig zu Hassverbrechen. In einem Interview berichtet die Juristin Denitsa Lyubenova über das gesellschaftliche und politische Klima für die LGBTI-Gemeinschaft in Bulgarien.
juristische Forschungsartikel, Berichte und Bücher über Gender

Abidjan | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Foundation for Freedom’s work in Côte d’Ivoire focuses mainly on the youth and their engagement in politics and civil society. Many programmes are directed at liberal youth’s and women’s movements. The Foundation also works actively on identifying liberal organisations and individuals willing to take responsibility and contribute to development. They include young entrepreneurs as well as political and business leaders who work on political initiatives or business ideas, thereby supporting the country’s progress.
International Read more Read more Bridging the Trench Gender

WAR IN EUROPE: Being Women in a country under attack

One year has passed since the armed attack by Russia against Ukraine and the ensuing hostilities have brought the most severe forms of human rights and international humanitarian law violations into the everyday lives of people in Ukraine, putting at risk countless lives, and causing massive displacement and destruction of civilian infrastructure. Arguably, hundreds of women and girls in Ukraine have become victims of sexual assault and torture committed by the Russian army and reports have documented the increasing use of rape as a weapon of war.
Eleni Siapikoudi © Emilio Morenatti Gender