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Freedom Team Interview: Markus Kaiser in Focus

Markus joined the foundation in 2012 after spending six years as a political advisor in the parliamentary group of FDP, the German liberal party. Prior to this, he obtained a Master’s degree in Political Science at Bonn University. For the foundation he has been active in Brussels and Athens, fostering European integration and liberal cooperation wherever possible. He currently heads the unit for Europe in the foundation’s headquarters in Germany and thus closely cooperates with both FNF’s Central and Western European and the Eastern and Southeastern European offices.
unaware of our social status and personal features – gender

EVENT: Vietnam Women Union visits FNF Headquarters in Germany

On June 1st, 2023, the Executive Director of FNF in Germany, Ms. Annett Witte, was honored to welcome a delegation from the Vietnam Women’s Union and the Center for Women and Development to our headquarters in Germany. Leading the delegation was Ms. Do Thi Thu Thao, Party Committee Secretary and Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women’s Union.
of the State, and mobilize the society to realise gender

#DISINFORMATION: Art-Marathon „De?informatsiia“ — the Artworks

In early October, 20 artists together with experienced journalists, illustrators and a copywriter created visually impactful art for social change to combat disinformation. Their artworks covered 5 topics: Heroes of Truth, Government against disinformation, Threat of democracy, The future of journalism, Conspiracy theories around Coronavirus. Here you can download the artworks for use in your activities and communication.
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Proteste im Iran: Gewalt und Verbrechen gegen Frauen im Iran

„Frauen, Leben, Freiheit“ und „Tod dem Diktator“ lauten die Sprechchöre, die seit Beginn der Proteste im Iran auf den Straßen verschiedener Städte skandiert werden. Die Rechte der Frauen im Iran werden vom Regime ständig gewaltsam verletzt. Die jüngsten Unruhen haben die jahrelange Schikane, Unterdrückung und Brutalität des iranischen Regimes nur noch deutlicher gemacht. Die Proteste sind ein wiederholtes Zeichen dafür, dass die Bevölkerung im Iran die Freiheitseinschränkungen und die Verstoße gegen Menschenrechte nicht länger tolerieren will. Jetzt ist es dringend geboten, die Frauen im Iran solidarisch zu unterstützen.
Im Global Gender Gap Report 2022 liegt das Land auf

Lateinamerika | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

In Lateinamerika arbeiten wir daran, starke demokratische Institutionen, die Achtung der Menschenrechte und der Rechtsstaatlichkeit durch gute Regierungsführung und soziale Marktwirtschaft zu fördern, sowie den liberalen Dialog in der gesamten Region voranzubringen. Wir haben Büros in Mexiko-Stadt (Regionalbüro und Projekt Mexiko), Gutemala-Stadt, Guatemala (Zentralamerika), Lima, Peru (Andenländer) und Buenos Aires, Argentinien (Argentinien, Brasilien, Paraguay und Uruguay ).
a silent aggression FEMALE FORWARD 25.11.2023 Gender

Seoul | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. Our South Korea project is focused on forward-looking topics such as smart cities and the 4th industrial revolution. The North Korea project organizes capacity-building programs in environmental planning and water management. We work with the Center for Local Autonomy, Hanyang University (CLA), Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID), and many other local partners. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
Gender Equality in Korea 23.11.2023 Jannik Krahe

Sustainable Supply Chains: Sri Lankan exporters to face tough access to Germany unless HR, sustainability standards met

Sri Lankan exporters are bound to face tough rules when accessing the German market next year onwards because of the new law that will come into effect from January 1, 2023 in that country. The Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains will provide for German importers to make sure that their suppliers adhere to human rights and sustainability standards. The push for the new law started after the collapse of a factory building called’ Rana Plaza’ killing nearly 1000 people.
that, there are always issues of discrimination on gender