Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gendern

Meintest du gender?

Regional Cooperation: Ι. Youth Cooperation Without Borders

On 2022, SEE in Action with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Greece and Cyprus has materialised the project “Strengthening bonds between alienated neighbours in the region: Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia”. The ambitious and innovative project aimed to bring together the youth of the three countries in an environment of cooperation and mutual understanding and provide an open space for dialogue on issues that concern youth in the respective countries.
employment, human rights, anti-discrimination and gender

Vietnam: Unsere Partner

With strong expertise in economics and business administration, FNF Vietnam is always eager to engage in current issues, offering commentary, advice, and insights. We support our partners in Vietnam through research, conference, and workshop to address the highlighted and important social-economic topics in Vietnam.
their soft skills while emphasising the importance of gender

Tunis | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Foundation’s work abroad began with the opening of an office in Tunisia in 1964. About 50 years later, in 2011, a new phase started for the Foundation in the context of the Tunisian revolution. In addition to the long-established areas of work (e.g. journalist training, economic policy), we are devoted to the promotion of liberal principles and to political education. The goal of the foundation is to advance the principles of human rights, rule of law, freedom of press and democracy. We celebrate Freedom with innovative tools !  
and a host of sponsors committed to promoting new gender

Innovation: From Coal Cape to Green Cape

From Coal Cape to Green Cape: At the moment, South Africa’s economy is not yet green. Currently, 85% of the country’s energy comes from coal plants. However, the non profit organisation GreenCape aims to transform this. But, their mission extends beyond just the energy sector as they are promoting a comprehensive green economy. Central to this mission is the FNF GreenPitch Challenge, organised in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
the most innovative ideas, they also considered the gender

Seoul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF) setzt sich ein für die Demokratie, Menschenrechte, wirtschaftliche Freiheit und die Eindämmung des Klimawandels. Unser Südkorea-Projekt konzentriert sich auf zukunftsweisende Themen wie Smart Cities und die 4. Industrielle Revolution. Das Nordkorea-Projekt organisiert Programme zum Aufbau von Kapazitäten in der Umweltplanung und im Wassermanagement. Wir arbeiten unter anderem mit dem CLA, KLID und vielen weiteren Partnern vor Ort. Sollten Sie Fragen oder Anregungen zu unserer Arbeit haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Hier können Sie auch unser Team kennenlernen.
Gender Equality in Korea 24.11.2023 Jannik Krahe

Besuchsprogramme: Zugängliche Abgeordnete, offene Antworten, gegenseitiger Austausch

Während dieses Programms hatten wir die Möglichkeit, von deutschen Parlamentariern, Kommunikationsexperten und Forschungsinstituten zu lernen. Von pakistanischer Seite nahmen viele Mitglieder von Provinzversammlungen, Vertreter der Zivilgesellschaft und Journalisten teil.
Assembly Punjab Chairperson Standing Committee on Gender

Southeast and East Asia : Women at Work Virtual Book Launch and Exhibition

FNF Myanmar proudly presents a virtual book launch and exhibition featuring photo essays by nine talented women artists, capturing the essence of female strength and resilience under the theme of “Women at Work”. The exhibition will be hosted on a virtual platform, allowing guests to freely explore the interactive spaces.
has done research on various areas; human rights, gender

Tbilisi | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been active in the South Caucasus since 1996. The work began with projects of the political education in Azerbaijan, from 2002 also in Armenia and Georgia. The office is located in Tbilisi, Georgia. The main focus of the work is the transformation process of former soviet republics towards modern democracies with free political systems based on social market economy and the rule of law.
public gatherings, bans same-sex adoption, limits gender