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Meintest du gender?

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: Das Geschick, den Status Quo anzufechten

Professorin Zeynep Alemdar, eine türkische Akademikerin, über die Gründe, warum politische Repräsentierung eine Menge ausmacht und warum Frauen an die Front der globalen Entscheidungsfindung gestellt werden müssen. “Bei der feministischen Aussenpolitik geht es darum, Frauen in alle aussenpolitischen Entscheidungen einzubinden.
Dem World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Bericht

Partners: FNF Turkey Partners

FNF Türkiye supports partners who are active in a network of liberal parties, think tanks, civil society organizations, initiatives and scientific institutions. Together we advocate liberal politics and support the development of liberal reform concepts. Take a look and visit their homepages for more information.
organization. Yanındayız Purpose To ensure gender

#FemaleForwardInternational: პრინციპული დიპლომატი

მაია ფანჯიკიძეს, პირველ ქალ ქართველ უცხოელ ატაშეს, ყოველთვის უყვარდა თავისი პროფესია, მაგრამ არასდროს შეუშინებია მის დატოვებას, როდესაც გარკვეული მოთხოვნები ემიჯნებოდნენ მის შინაგან მრწამსს
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

COVID-19 in Zimbabwe: Photo Collage of COVID-19 Change and Challenges in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s economy is primarily informal. The southern African nation, with a score of 60,6 percent, has the world’s second largest informal economy after Bolivia (62,3 percent), according to the International Monetary Fund. This picture book provides an overview of the pandemic’s effects on Zimbabwe and its people through pictures.
crucially, the pandemic is affecting socioeconomic and gender

Podcasts from Beirut : Women in Business Podcast with Caroline Fattal, Lina Boubess and Luna Safwan #FemaleForward

Even though Lebanon is seen as one of the most progressive Arab countries in this context, the political and business culture is still patriarchal in its structure and cannot be compared to western environments.
” initiative advocating for women empowerment and gender

Transition to the formal economy: Navigating the shift: Ait Ben Haddou’s Journey from Informal to Formal Economy

In the bustling markets and rural expanses of Morocco, a silent transformation is underway, steering the nation from the shadows of informality into the promising light of formal economic participation. This transition, pivotal for sustainable development, is encapsulated in a profound policy paper by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and the NGO “We Speak Citizen”, focusing on the Tizwa Project in Aït Ben Haddou .
but are pivotal in addressing underlying issues of gender

LGBTQ: European Championship 2024 Highlights Urgent Need for LGBTQ Inclusivity in Men’s Football

With the start of the European Championship, the issue of LGBTQ integration in football, particularly men’s football, is increasingly coming into focus. Despite the FA’s 2016 guidance aimed at reducing transphobia, the binary culture remains deeply rooted in professional sports.
still many hurdles when it comes to recognizing one’s gender

Yangon | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. In Myanmar, we work with local partners in promoting and strengthening the foundation of a market-based economy. The foundation officially opened a country office in Yangon in 2013. Should you have any question or suggestion about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
FNF Myanmar has been taking steps towards gender equality

Sustainable Cities: Improving Disaster Resilience for Sustainable Cities

Since 2020, Türkiye has faced numerous disasters, underscoring the need for proactive risk reduction strategies. On May 14th, TESEV hosted an event to address this, featuring expert discussions on policies, data management, and collaboration. Workshops focused on integrating disaster risk reduction into strategic planning. The event highlighted the importance of robust data and local initiatives to enhance disaster resilience.
Most popular Gender does exist in science: inequality