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Bangkok | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation Thailand motivates people to get involved politically and to play an active role in society. Our events promote democracy, human rights and a free market economy. Since we want to reach young people in particular, we follow a gamification approach in many of our projects. We also work closely with journalists and media organizations to facilitate fair and free public dialogue.The FNF Thailand team works with Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS), Thai PBS, Punch Up, King Prajadhipok’s Institute, Change Fusion and Digital for Peace. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
Gender Equality 18.09.2023 Prim Maneechot The condition

Migración: A glimpse of hope against racism and xenophobia: the opportunity offered by Intercultural Cities.

The Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities (RECI in Spanish) is an organization that brings together different cities working on the creation of intercultural policies; in Latin America, only Mexico City is part of this program. For the Foundation, promoting open and plural societies, strategies and good practices resulting from intercultural policies can be a starting point for building tolerance and equal rights in Mexico.
recognition of the diversity of its citizens from a gender

EU Directive: Schutz vor SLAPP-Klagen

Autocratic and illiberal regimes use political and legal persecution to silence journalists or human rights activists. Such legal proceedings are called „Strategic Litigation against Publication Participation“ or SLAPP for short. A draft EU directive aims to prevent such abusive lawsuits that arbitrarily violate the fundamental rights of the accused.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Sofia | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Das Teilprojekt umfasst mit Bulgarien einen Mitgliedstaat und mit Nordmazedonien einen Beitrittskandidaten der Europäischen Union. Trotz verschiedener Stufen der europäischen Integration sowie unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, lassen sich sowohl Überscheidungen im Bereich Sprache und Kultur als auch in den politisch-gesellschaftlichen Problemstellungen ausmachen.
Congratulations for your contribution to gender equity