Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gendern

Meintest du gender?

Press Freedom: Watching the Watchdogs Spyware surveillance of journalists in Europe

In 2024, the European Union enters a new era in the fight to protect journalists and press freedom from illegal spyware abuse. After months of debate and tense final negotiations, EU institutions reached a historic agreement on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) in December 2023. Among multiple new rules, the provisional deal includes strengthened safeguards for journalists and their sources from coercive surveillance, including spyware like Pegasus.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Global themes and global expertise hubs | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Global Themes Division is the globally connected think tank of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. It develops innovative policy recommendations and liberal solutions in the areas that will have a decisive impact on the future of free societies in a global context: Human rights and international rule of law; globalization, free trade and market economy; comprehensive approach and defence policy; digitalization and innovation. The team also organizes and coordinates the International Journalists‘ and Media Dialogue Programme. The work of the Foundation’s globally connected think tank is fed and inspired by the Foundation’s international projects and the expertise and thematic networks of its employees. The networking approach of the Global Themes Division is complemented by the networks of the Foundation’s global expertise hubs. The Global Themes Division coordinates its work with the Global Security Hub (Brussels), the World Order and Globalization Hub (Washington, D.C.), the Global Innovation Hub (Taipei), the Global Partnership Hub (Nairobi) and the Human Rights Hub (Geneva).
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Human Rights: Prisoner of Conscience: Nedim Türfent

Find out the story of the prisoner of conscience from Turkey. “Because authoritarianism in Turkey has yet to peak, it is now more crucial that writers fulfil their responsibility to promote peace and freedom in our everyday lives,” said the imprisoned Turkish journalist, writer, and poet Nedim Türfent.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

United Nations: Unpacking the Global Digital Compact

The United Nations Member States vision will be on display at the Summit of the Future 2024 in New York from September 21 to 25. The main outcome of the Summit will be the adoption of the ‘Pact of the Future’. While the pact is mainly a reaffirmation to multilateralism, it also contains another document that is supposed to be adopted at the Summit: The Global Digital Compact, hereafter GDC. In the spirit of recommitting to multilateralism, the GDC aims to increase global digital cooperation. This article will unpack the raison d’être of the Compact and analyse how human rights are implied, before critically assessing the GDC from a human rights perspective.
facing numerous challenges that cause divides across gender

Istanbul | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

FNF has been actively working in Türkiye with partners from civil society, academia, economy and politics since 1991, when we opened our office in Ankara. In 2002, we moved to Istanbul. Türkiye is of crucial importance for Germany, Europe and the transatlantic cooperation due to its history, culture, economy, and geographical location. Therefore, FNF offers support to liberal-minded citizens and organizations in Türkiye to promote liberal values in the society. This way, we strive to contribute to a liberal, democratic and prospering Türkiye for all citizens. Türkçe | Deutsch
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Human Rights Defenders: Journalists Defending Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted 75 years ago, and the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders is celebrating its 25th anniversary. To mark these two milestones, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) and Reporters Without Borders Germany (RSF) hosted a high-profile conference in Berlin on December 7. At the event called „Journalists Defending Human Rights“, journalists from Mexico, Russia and Afghanistan reported on their own experience, and Philippine journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa spoke about technology as a threat to democracy.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There