Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gendern

Meintest du gender?

#FemaleFowardInternational: Meet Ramona Strugariu from Romania

Ramona Strugariu is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from the Renew Europe Group and a law graduate with more than a decade of experience in the NGO sector. She ran for office on the ticket of the liberal PLUS (Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party) fraction, a movement born on the squares of Bucharest in 2018.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

#FemaleForwardInternational: გაიცანით მაია ფანჯიკიძე საქართველოდან

2010 წელს მაია ფანჯიკიძემ დატოვა თანამდებობა, როგორც ნიდერლანდებში საქართველოს მისიის ხელმძღვანელმა, მთავრობის შიდა პოლიტიკასთან არსებული უთანხმოების გამო. იგი დაუბრუნდა მის თავდაპირველ პროფესიას – გერმანული ენისა და ლიტერატურის სწავლებას უმაღლესი სკოლისა და უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტებისთვის – და ვერასდროს წარმოიდგენდა, რომ ის ოდესმე კვლავ შეუერთდებოდა დიპლომატიური კორპუსის რიგებს.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Manila | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. FNF Philippines focuses on open and digital society, as well as a social market economy. It is also involved in the creation of innovative tools. FNF Philippines team works with local organization partners such as Center for Liberalism and Democracy, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, Rappler, Philippine Economic Society, and Impact Leadership. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here. 
marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender

Female Forward: Woman Up: Adulting for the Modern Day Filipina

The transition from adolescence to adulthood, often referred to as „adulting,“ can be a challenging and sometimes daunting journey. It involves navigating through various responsibilities, expectations, and societal norms, especially for women in the Philippines. To shed light on the nuances of this topic, FNF Philippines brings back Tambay: The Vodcast Series for its second year with its pilot episode titled „Woman Up! Adulting for the Modern Day Filipina“
emphasized the need for women to assert themselves, break gender

Bussiness Human Rights : Navigating Compliance & Sustainability: SMEs in Global Value Chains

Will ESG regulations on global value chains safeguard or stifle SMEs in emerging economies/global south? Explore how compliance demands might pose opportunities and challenges for small businesses navigating these interconnected networks. Unveil the delicate balance between growth and challenges within this evolving landscape.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There


Moldovan university professor and entrepreneurship expert Rodica Crudu on the challenges of staying in your home country and making your way in a male-dominated environment. She is an associate professor, a European economic policies expert at a NGO, and editor-in-chief of the Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Istanbul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

FNF has been actively working in Türkiye with partners from civil society, academia, economy and politics since 1991, when we opened our office in Ankara. In 2002, we moved to Istanbul. Türkiye is of crucial importance for Germany, Europe and the transatlantic cooperation due to its history, culture, economy, and geographical location. Therefore, FNF offers support to liberal-minded citizens and organizations in Türkiye to promote liberal values in the society. This way, we strive to contribute to a liberal, democratic and prospering Türkiye for all citizens. Türkçe | Deutsch
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There