Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

#FemaleForwardInternational: Nicht mehr im Schatten der Männer: Der Aufstieg weiblicher Führungskräfte in Ost- und Südosteuropa

Diese Analyse, die Teil von #FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL ist, bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die Freuden und Nöte einer Frau in der Politik in dieser Übergangsregion.
Laut dem Global Gender Gap Report 2020 des Weltwirtschaftsforums

KRIEG IN EUROPA: Oberleutnant Julia Mykytenko: „Jetzt weigert man sich nicht mehr, unter meinem Kommando zu stehen, nur weil ich eine Frau bin“

Julia Mykytenko trat 2016 zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann in den Dienst der ukrainischen Streitkräfte ein. Von einer „Frauen“-Arbeit im Stab gelang es ihr, auf die Nationale Petro-Sahajdatschnyj-Akademie des Heeres zu gehen und als Kampfoffizierin an die Front zurückzukehren. Nach dem Tod ihres Mannes im Februar 2018 arbeitete sie am Kiewer Militärlyzeum. Im Sonderprojekt „Die Unbeugsamen“ spricht Mykytenko darüber, wie sich die ukrainische Armee veränderte und wie wichtig es ist, an seinem eigenen Platz zu sein.
das „Unsichtbare Bataillon“, das sich mit dem Thema Gender

UNBREAKABLE / NEZLAMNI: First Lieutenant Yulia Mykytenko: “Men no longer refuse to serve under my command because I am a woman”

Yulia Mykytenko joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a contract in 2016 together with her husband. After doing the “work for women” at the headquarters, she entered The Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy, returning to the front as a combat officer. After the death of her husband in February 2018, Yulia went to work at the Kyiv Military Lyceum. In the special project „The Unbreakable“, Mykytenko talks about how the Ukrainian army changed and how important it is to be in your own place.
Invisible Battalion, which works with the issues of gender

Centroamérica: The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of migrants and asylum seekers

Migration or a mixed movement involving people migrating to seek better economic opportunities that improve their quality of life and that of their families left behind is prompted by the migrants’ need to escape armed conflicts, violence, and persecution threatening their lives, and to reunify with parents and family members living abroad.
HHS Strips Gender Identity, Sex Stereotyping, Language

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: A Woman on the Diplomatic Frontline

Meet Valeriia Lutkovska, the legal expert paving the way for Ukrainian Human Rights legislation. “For me, it is about human rights – not empty words but standards in each sphere of our lives. Without an understanding of my rights as a human being, it is not possible to understand what human dignity is. Only the person who can protect the right of privacy, or education, or freedom of expression – only they can understand human dignity.”
an ideal where a person establishes herself beyond gender

Liberalismus : „Liberalism needs Democracy“

The famous US political scientist Francis Fukuyama explains in an interview with why populists and nationalists will fail. The political leaders in these countries are transfiguring the past in a nationalistic nostalgia and not providing adequate solutions. How liberal is our international order? Why are we witnessing a new upsurge of anti-liberal forces right now? Even if there is no automatism for liberal democracy, it is still worth fighting for. Its foundation of human and moral truth , that all people have a minimum of freedom, that they are respected and treated fairly, is universal.
particular way of life because of their origin or gender

Event: What Kind of Digital Citizenship Education Do We Need for the Future?

On May 4, 2024, the FNF Global Innovation Hub co-organized Digital Citizenship Education Expert Talk and World Café discussion with g0v jothon and g0v sch001 at the g0v summit, one of the world’s premier civic tech events. The summit attracted hundreds of participants such as members of civic tech communities, educators, students, political workers, and enthusiasts of democracy and technology from around the globe.
to more non-cis male participants to improve the gender