Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Human Rights Defenders: Denitsa Lyubenova

Bulgarien ist kein sicheres Land für die LGBTI-Gemeinschaft: Der Balkanstaat ist eines der homophobsten und transphobsten Länder der EU. Führende Politiker weigern sich immer noch, ein deutliches Bekenntnis zu den LGBTI-Rechten abzugeben. Auch innerhalb der konservativen bulgarischen Gesellschaft gibt es kaum Rückhalt für queere Menschen. Die weitverbreitete Korruption in Verbindung mit der Armut unter den Menschen lässt das Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Menschenrechte völlig schwinden. Diese Ablehnung gegenüber sexuellen Minderheiten führt häufig zu Hassverbrechen. In einem Interview berichtet die Juristin Denitsa Lyubenova über das gesellschaftliche und politische Klima für die LGBTI-Gemeinschaft in Bulgarien.
juristische Forschungsartikel, Berichte und Bücher über Gender

INDUSTRY: Arab wines: Oasis of freedom

They are the fruit of the Coptic Christian or Jewish tradition, of the customs imported from the colonizing countries, especially France, of the demands of tourists or of the courageous entrepreneurship of a handful of businessmen. Wine in the Arab countries of the Mediterranean arc is an inherent part of their culture, uses and customs.
Development in the Mediterranean Most popular Gender

Yangon | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. In Myanmar, we work with local partners in promoting and strengthening the foundation of a market-based economy. The foundation officially opened a country office in Yangon in 2013. Should you have any question or suggestion about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
FNF Myanmar has been taking steps towards gender equality

Justice: Election Countdown: Contrasting visions for a safer and fairer Mexico

Mexico’s upcoming presidential election is marked by the urgent need to address insecurity and violence, central concerns for citizens. This article analyzes the proposals of the main candidates and their contrasting visions for transforming the country’s security and judicial system. How do each plan to address these critical challenges and what impact might their policies have on Mexico’s future?
security will be based on human rights and will adopt a gender

Security: The 5+5 Initiative, a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean

The Western Mediterranean Forum, known as the 5+5 Initiative, is an informal multidisciplinary group that includes Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia. The 5+5 Initiative seeks to strengthen mutual knowledge and strengthen links and interoperability between the two sides of the Mediterranean.
cyber-defence, demining and the implementation of the gender

Female Forward: The Transformative Role of Women in Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean

In the dynamic Mediterranean region, over time the role of women in sustainable development has become increasingly decisive and transformative. From the consolidation of innovative startups to the management of large corporations, women have proven to be, not without difficulty, a fundamental pillar in the promotion of a development oriented towards the achievement of a balance that defends in equal parts economic evolution, care for the social or our society, and environmental preservation.
energy and sustainable solutions, demonstrating that gender

women to women : A Burmese Woman Who Wants to Make Burmese Traditional Pastries World-Famous

„It needs to be innovative. Currently, as I’m learning more, I plan to work extensively on making it sustainable and beneficial for humanity. I’m going to expand into more training centers for Burmese traditional sweets. Everyone should know about Burmese sweets, and every Burmese woman should be able to make them. That’s the plan I’ve started in 2023 and aim to launch by 2024.“
criticize me for not cooking or insist on traditional gender

International Press Freedom Day: Stifled Voices: The Plight of Afghan Journalists on World Press Day

Today is International Press Freedom Day. The situation of media freedom has always been a challenge in Afghanistan. But since the Taliban took power in August 2021, it has become even more difficult. All media professionals, especially the women among them, face significant obstacles in Afghanistan when it comes to reporting truthfully and objectively on events in the country. What can be done to better support Afghan media professionals in this difficult time?
Germany: a political red herring Most popular Gender

Tbilisi | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been active in the South Caucasus since 1996. The work began with projects of the political education in Azerbaijan, from 2002 also in Armenia and Georgia. The office is located in Tbilisi, Georgia. The main focus of the work is the transformation process of former soviet republics towards modern democracies with free political systems based on social market economy and the rule of law.
public gatherings, bans same-sex adoption, limits gender