Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Proteste im Iran: Gewalt und Verbrechen gegen Frauen im Iran

„Frauen, Leben, Freiheit“ und „Tod dem Diktator“ lauten die Sprechchöre, die seit Beginn der Proteste im Iran auf den Straßen verschiedener Städte skandiert werden. Die Rechte der Frauen im Iran werden vom Regime ständig gewaltsam verletzt. Die jüngsten Unruhen haben die jahrelange Schikane, Unterdrückung und Brutalität des iranischen Regimes nur noch deutlicher gemacht. Die Proteste sind ein wiederholtes Zeichen dafür, dass die Bevölkerung im Iran die Freiheitseinschränkungen und die Verstoße gegen Menschenrechte nicht länger tolerieren will. Jetzt ist es dringend geboten, die Frauen im Iran solidarisch zu unterstützen.
Im Global Gender Gap Report 2022 liegt das Land auf

Latin America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

In Latin America we work to promote strong democratic institutions, respect for human rights and rule of law through good governance, and social market economy. as well as promoting liberal dialogue throughout the region. We have offices in Mexico City (Regional Office and Project Mexico), Guatemala City, Guatemala (Central America), Lima, Peru (Andean Countries), and Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay)
a silent aggression FEMALE FORWARD 25.11.2023 Gender

Kuala Lumpur | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. In Southeast and East Asia, we have offices in Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Yangon. We also work in Malaysia. In Malaysia we work with 11 local partners. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
Roy, Romila Thapar, and Kartini as they delve into gender

Smart Cities: Morocco, Indonesia and Mexico: examples of emerging mobility

What happens when mobility limits you? How much of your life is spent in traffic jams? Mobility is fundamental when we talk about quality of life; however, we overlook innovative alternatives to make it accessible and affordable and the automobile remains at the center of the conversation. In collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Labor and Organizational Economics, the Urban Mobility study takes a look at best practices.
Applying a gender approach also reveals that women

Mediterranean and Art: The Mediterranean and art: from Alexandria to Dalí’s House-Museum

The Mediterranean Sea has been the inspiration for many artists, its mythological waters, its colours, its coasts, its stories. We will delve into several museums on both shores to rescue some of these works devoted to the Mare Nostrum.
traditions, demonstrating that beyond continents, races, gender

Western Balkans | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

For three decades, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been active in the countries of the Western Balkans, supporting them on their path to a united Europe. Out of its project office in Belgrade, the foundation coordinates its political and civil society work and consulting in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia. Together with domestic partners from politics and civil society, the foundation works specifically on the topics of human and civil rights, digital and open society, democracy and the rule of law, as well as on embracing European values and standards in the framework of the EU integration process. – German Version – 
policy measures, a societal shift in attitudes towards gender