Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Reshaping Europe: How to strengthen ASEAN – EU relations:

Aligned with FNF’s global theme of #Reshaping Europe, FNF Southeast and East Asia is collaborating with Asia Centre on a hackathon centered around the question of „How to strengthen ASEAN – EU relations: What are your ideas on what could be done to bring ASEAN and the EU closer together?‘ Our aim is to inspire our young participants to conceive original and inventive concepts that can pave the way for a policy plan, project, or campaign that will foster stronger ties between ASEAN and the EU.
We encourage diversity of gender, race and religion

Liberal Communicators Network : Kivi Leroux Miller´s Insights on Marketing Strategies and Goal Setting

Don’t miss a dose of inspiration from the last “The Liberal Communications Network”. Kivi Leroux Miller shares her insights on developing an effective mission-driven marketing strategy and goal-setting.
policy measures, a societal shift in attitudes towards gender

Seoul | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. Our South Korea project is focused on forward-looking topics such as smart cities and the 4th industrial revolution. The North Korea project organizes capacity-building programs in environmental planning and water management. We work with the Center for Local Autonomy, Hanyang University (CLA), Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID), and many other local partners. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
Gender Equality in Korea 23.11.2023 Jannik Krahe

Lateinamerika | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

In Lateinamerika arbeiten wir daran, starke demokratische Institutionen, die Achtung der Menschenrechte und der Rechtsstaatlichkeit durch gute Regierungsführung und soziale Marktwirtschaft zu fördern, sowie den liberalen Dialog in der gesamten Region voranzubringen. Wir haben Büros in Mexiko-Stadt (Regionalbüro und Projekt Mexiko), Gutemala-Stadt, Guatemala (Zentralamerika), Lima, Peru (Andenländer) und Buenos Aires, Argentinien (Argentinien, Brasilien, Paraguay und Uruguay ).
a silent aggression FEMALE FORWARD 25.11.2023 Gender

DISINFORMATION: Oil, the Commission’s betrayal, and the West’s demise at the Olympics. The disinformation scene is working at full speed even in the middle of summer

The suspension of the flow of Russian Lukoil oil to Slovakia and Hungary via Ukrainian territory was the subject of lies and misleading. The disinformation scene continued to deepen the polarization lines of Slovak society. The participation of sexual minorities in the opening ceremony of the Olympics was sold to their audience by the disinformers as salacious proof of Western decadence.
any procedure that would lead to a change in her gender

Liberalism Survey : Perception towards Liberalism in Malaysia 2016-2021

As a whole, liberalism as a word has not reached a wider proportion of the community as only half of the respondents have heard about the term itself. There are no significant changes in this aspect for the past five years as the percentage of the population who have heard about liberalism sustained around 50% except for year 2018 when the percentage of people who have heard of liberalism was at its highest (61%).
representative of the Malaysian population in terms of gender

South Africa: A new political era dawns

The election on May 29, 2024 marked a historic turning point in South Africa’s young democracy: the African National Congress (ANC), the former party of freedom fighter Nelson Mandela, lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in 30 years. In future, South Africa will be led by a government of national unity. The agreement signed in the early hours of June 14 by the ANC, the liberal Democratic Alliance (DA) and the socially conservative Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) laid the foundations for a coalition government committed to constitutional fidelity, the rule of law, social justice and the fight against poverty.
document also underlines the rejection of racism and gender


Very few women in the world can start their life’s journey as part of an oppressed people in their country, grow to be the voice of their new-born nation to the world, help it earn its freedom, and not only live to tell the tale, but also make a successful political career. Edita Tahiri from Kosovo is one such rare example, and she has many stories to tell.
When the nation is in danger, there is no place for gender