Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Leadership Academy: Millennial Takeover: We Aren’t Afraid of the New Strongman

In the serene landscapes of Kakheti, Georgia, the seminar titled „Millennial Takeover: We Aren’t Afraid of the New Strongman“ unfurled from August 30th to September 3rd, 2023. Gathering an ensemble of 20 young thinkers from 12 different nations, the seminar emerged as a hotbed of innovative ideas and spirited discourse.
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River Conference: Rivers As Lifeline for South Asia

On 15 March 2023, a regional conference on Rivers as Lifeline for South Asia is going to be organized at the Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kathmandu, Samriddhi Foundation and the German Nepal-Friendship Association.
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Transparency | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

„The primary task of a state is the sufficient protection of the citizen through its executive, judicial, and legislative powers. The state ensures that individuals can rely on the courts to enforce their rights when these are restricted or violated by the state itself or by other citizens. – Isabel Henzler Carrascal explains in the latest Lebanon Papers Series on the vicious cycle of corruption.  When the state cannot fullfuil this task, its citizens will start looking for differnt authorities and corruption can bloom. Today, this is one of the most pressing issues in Lebanon. Corruption is widespread and permeates all levels of society. Although corruption has always existed, its effects were magnified in 1990 after the end of the fifteen-years civil war. Today it governs all sectors of society and all branches of government, its forms reach from bribery, to nepotism, favoritism, patronage, embezzlement and vote-buying. We at FNF Lebanon are commited to fighting corruption and working towards more transparency. Therefore, we make projects come to life that do just that, but we also collaborate with other organizations with this mission. 
parliamentary election data, organised and cross checked with gender

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: Եվա Թովմասյան․ երազողն ու իրագործողը

Այս իրավապաշտպանը, որը դարձել է Գերագույն դատարանի խոսնակը, կիսվում է, թե ինչու է կարծում, որ անձնական օրինակը փոփոխությունների լավագույն մեխանիզմն է: Հայաստանի Սահմանադրական դատարանի մամուլի քարտուղար Եվա Թովմասյանը հաղորդակցման վարպետ է։ Քաղաքացիական ոլորտում մեծ փորձ ունենալով և քաղաքականությանը քաջատեղյակ՝ նա բացահայտում է, թե ինչպես է իրեն ոգեշնչել դառնալ քաղաքացիական ակտիվիստ և ինչու է կարծում, որ իր պարտքն է ոգեշնչել ուրիշներին:
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: Schweden als Vorbild?

Etwa 33 % der Mitglieder nationaler Parlamente in der EU sind weiblich. Trotzdem sind Frauen in der Politik stark unterrepräsentiert. Die Debatte um eine geschlechtergerechte Außenpolitik hat in den vergangenen Jahren an internationaler Bedeutung gewonnen und die Diskussion über den Schutz und die Förderung von Frauen in Sicherheitskontexten in den Mittelpunkt vielen nationaler Diskurse gebracht. Eine Analyse der Europaexperten der FNF Jana Weber und Jeroen Dobber.
November in Brüssel die Konferenz „Gender x Geopolitics

#Kadınlarİleride: Eğitimi masaya yatırmak

Kadınların uyum sağlama becerilerinin onları dijital çağda değişime daha açık hale getirdiğini vurgulayan Türk siyasetçi ve Türkiye’nin ilk teknoloji K-12 okulu olan TINK’in kurucusu Zeynep Dereli’nin Türkiye’de siyasette kadın temsiline, kadın-erkek ilişkilerini yeniden tanımlamaya ve kadınlar için daha fazla sosyal desteğe artan bir talep olduğuna inancı tam.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s poor bear brunt of rioting prices

UNDER the heavy African sky, an aura of unease seeps into Zimbabwe’s rural heartland. As the sun retreats behind the hills of Tandi communal lands in Rusape, Manicaland province, it casts long, spectral shadows over VaMamoyo’s small thatched hut. VaMamoyo is a woman of remarkable tenacity. Her skin, a complex tapestry of wrinkles, echoes tales of her endurance and resilience. Looking closely at a meagre assembly of grocery items that lay before her, she looks at them with a worried frown.
objective is to capacitate female journalists to ensure gender