Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: მსოფლიოს შეცვლა ერთი ბრძოლით

სამართლებრივი და სოციალური გამარჯვებების მიღწევა, ნინო ბოლქვაძე უკეთეს სამყაროს არ ელოდება: იგი თავად ქმნის მას.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Rabat | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

In 1969, we were the first German political foundation to open an office in Morocco. For more than 50 years now, we have been working together with our partners from politics and civil society to promote democracy and an open society. In the wake of the Arab Spring of 2011, we are working specifically on training Morocco’s women and youth so that they can shape the future and exploit the rights and freedoms they gained. We are permanently committed to strengthening Morocco’s relations with its European partners, including of course Germany. And we like to comment on geopolitcal events from a rather unusual perspective: the North-Western tip of Africa.
Gender Equality 08.05.2024 Rana Aly Gender Equality

Manila | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. FNF Philippines focuses on open and digital society, as well as a social market economy. It is also involved in the creation of innovative tools. FNF Philippines team works with local organization partners such as Center for Liberalism and Democracy, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, Rappler, Philippine Economic Society, and Impact Leadership. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here. 
marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender

#JetztMutMachen: Repressive Gesetzesentwürfe in Zeiten von Corona

Die zunehmend autokratischen Tendenzen, die sich in Polen und Ungarn während der Corona-Krise beobachten lassen, versetzen die EU in Alarmbereitschaft. Menschenrechtsaktivisten befürchten, dass die Pandemie von den nationalkonservativen Regierungen in beiden Ländern genutzt wird, um deren Macht zu festigen und Demokratie und Menschenrechte zu untergraben.
LGBTIQ-Rechte und die sogenannte „Gender-Ideologie“

Migration: “We are well aware of what it takes to stay.”

Youth in Morocco grow up with an imagination of going to a land elsewhere, seeking greater opportunities, social security, and a sense of freedom. According to the Arab Barometer report, nearly 70% of Moroccans under 30 express a desire to leave the country. However, despite facing numerous challenges, a determined network of Moroccan youth decides to stay and make a change.
investing in infrastructural development and promoting gender

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: ჟურნალისტიკა, როგორც ცვლილებების კატალიზატორი

ნინო ბაქრაძე, თბილისში, საქართველოში დაარსებული საგამოძიებო ჟურნალისტთა მედიაპროექტ iFact-ის რედაქტორი და თანადამფუძნებელია. იგი მუშაობს ქალთა გუნდში, რათა საქართველოში ყველაზე მძაფრი პოლიტიკური სკანდალები გამოავლინოს და ამბობს, რომ ჯერჯერობით, არ არის დიდი კონკურენცია, როდესაც საქმე ეხება საგამოძიებო ანგარიშს – მედია განიხილება, როგორც გასართობი, სტანდარტები დაბალია და იშვიათად იცავენ და პატივს სცემენ ჟურნალისტურ ეთიკას.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Event: Advocating Civic and Voter Education: GMM’s Leadership Training for Community Leaders Invites School Wardens from the State of Johor

Akademi Gagasan Minda Merdeka (GMM) has successfully organized a Leadership Training for Community Leaders at Desa Selatan Resort on the 24th and 25th last April. This workshop heralded one of GMM and FNF’s partnership commitments in advocating civic and voter education all around Malaysia, in collaboration with Johor State Education Department.
Gagasan Minda Merdeka (GMM) Most popular Gender