Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

IAF: 26 Regierungs-Chefinnen sind nicht genug

Das World Economic Forum geht davon aus, dass es noch 145 Jahre dauern wird, bis Männer und Frauen weltweit in gleichem Maße aktiv politisch mitwirken. Doch die IAF Programme haben gezeigt, dass Frauen zur Verbesserung der Situation beitragen können, indem sie notwendige Fähigkeiten wie politische Kommunikation erwerben und bewusst Netzwerke aufbauen. Mut machen aber auch weibliche Vorbilder.
schätzt das World Economic Forum in seinem Global Gender

EVENT: Vietnam Women Union visits FNF Headquarters in Germany

On June 1st, 2023, the Executive Director of FNF in Germany, Ms. Annett Witte, was honored to welcome a delegation from the Vietnam Women’s Union and the Center for Women and Development to our headquarters in Germany. Leading the delegation was Ms. Do Thi Thu Thao, Party Committee Secretary and Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women’s Union.
of the State, and mobilize the society to realise gender

United Nations: Unpacking the Global Digital Compact

The United Nations Member States vision will be on display at the Summit of the Future 2024 in New York from September 21 to 25. The main outcome of the Summit will be the adoption of the ‘Pact of the Future’. While the pact is mainly a reaffirmation to multilateralism, it also contains another document that is supposed to be adopted at the Summit: The Global Digital Compact, hereafter GDC. In the spirit of recommitting to multilateralism, the GDC aims to increase global digital cooperation. This article will unpack the raison d’être of the Compact and analyse how human rights are implied, before critically assessing the GDC from a human rights perspective.
facing numerous challenges that cause divides across gender

Partners: FNF Turkey Partners

FNF Türkiye supports partners who are active in a network of liberal parties, think tanks, civil society organizations, initiatives and scientific institutions. Together we advocate liberal politics and support the development of liberal reform concepts. Take a look and visit their homepages for more information.
organization. Yanındayız Purpose To ensure gender

Sofia | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Sofia office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is responsible for the activities of the Foundation in Bulgaria and North Macedonia. Our mission is to facilitate the promotion of the principles of liberal democracy, the rule of law, political pluralism, and free markets, in a collaborative partnership with local and international partners. Our standard instruments include political education, policy support, and political dialogue, realised through regular events and publications.
Congratulations for your contribution to gender equity

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: გაიცანით ნინო ბაქრაძე საქართველოდან

საქართველოში, ჟურნალისტიკა ტრადიციულად ითვლება „ქალის“ პროფესიად, აცხადებს საგამოძიებო ჟურნალისტი ნინო ბაქრაძე. იგი დასძენს, რომ, ვინაიდან, ხალხს არ აქვს სექსისტური დამოკიდებულება მდედრობითი სქესის ჟურნალისტების მიმართ, ამ პროფესიას არ გაურთულებია მისთვის ცხოვრება. საქართველოში ქალად ყოფნა ისედაც რთულია, და ამ ყველაფერს, ჟურნალისტიკაში ყოფნა უბრალოდ ემატება.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Female Forward: Woman Up: Adulting for the Modern Day Filipina

The transition from adolescence to adulthood, often referred to as „adulting,“ can be a challenging and sometimes daunting journey. It involves navigating through various responsibilities, expectations, and societal norms, especially for women in the Philippines. To shed light on the nuances of this topic, FNF Philippines brings back Tambay: The Vodcast Series for its second year with its pilot episode titled „Woman Up! Adulting for the Modern Day Filipina“
emphasized the need for women to assert themselves, break gender

Sofia | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Sofia office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is responsible for the activities of the Foundation in Bulgaria and North Macedonia. Our mission is to facilitate the promotion of the principles of liberal democracy, the rule of law, political pluralism, and free markets, in a collaborative partnership with local and international partners. Our standard instruments include political education, policy support, and political dialogue, realised through regular events and publications.
Congratulations for your contribution to gender equity