Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Event: Journalists Defending Human Rights

Attacked, persecuted and imprisoned. Journalists who report on human rights violations are targeted simply for doing their job. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 25th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Reporters Without Borders Germany are jointly organising the international conference „Journalists Defending Human Rights“ today. Listen to prominent human rights journalists, such as Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa, as well as journalists from other countries.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Manila | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. FNF Philippines focuses on open and digital society, as well as a social market economy. It is also involved in the creation of innovative tools. FNF Philippines team works with local organization partners such as Center for Liberalism and Democracy, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, Rappler, Philippine Economic Society, and Impact Leadership. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here. 
marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender

#FemaleForwardInternational: გაიცანით მაია ფანჯიკიძე საქართველოდან

2010 წელს მაია ფანჯიკიძემ დატოვა თანამდებობა, როგორც ნიდერლანდებში საქართველოს მისიის ხელმძღვანელმა, მთავრობის შიდა პოლიტიკასთან არსებული უთანხმოების გამო. იგი დაუბრუნდა მის თავდაპირველ პროფესიას – გერმანული ენისა და ლიტერატურის სწავლებას უმაღლესი სკოლისა და უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტებისთვის – და ვერასდროს წარმოიდგენდა, რომ ის ოდესმე კვლავ შეუერთდებოდა დიპლომატიური კორპუსის რიგებს.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Manila | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. FNF Philippines focuses on open and digital society, as well as a social market economy. It is also involved in the creation of innovative tools. FNF Philippines team works with local organization partners such as Center for Liberalism and Democracy, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, Rappler, Philippine Economic Society, and Impact Leadership. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here. 
marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender

Podcast: #14 Talking about Markets and the Environment

In today’s episode of IAF TALK Bettina Solinger has gathered the experts from our seminar „The Future of Market Economy“ around a big table in the Academy to have an intensive talk about markets and the environment, and to tackle some important questions: why property rights are important for innovation, why some ideas that are brilliant on the paper but won’t work in reality, how developing countries are dealing with climate change and, of course, if the economy is actually able to protect the environment.
address climate challenges, the G20 should focus on gender-inclusive

Female Forward International: The Grimke sisters

The protagonists of this video are two sisters, Sarah and Angelina Grimke, pioneering women of the abolitionist campaign in the United States of America. Why is this relevant to us? Because they also continued studying, researching, writing, and all their lives never stopped living as true liberal women.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Empowerment Teilnehmerin: Female Empowerment-Programm

Gesellschaft und Politik brauchen mehr weibliche Perspektiven. Genau deshalb gibt es das Female Empowerment-Programm der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. Teilnehmerinnen profitieren von Trainings, Netzwerkveranstaltungen und der Betreuung durch Mentorinnen und Mentoren. Suleifa Müller, eine Teilnehmerin des Empowermentprogramms, berichtet, was sie aus dem Programm mitnehmen konnte.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Empowerment Teilnehmerin: Female Empowerment-Programm

Gesellschaft und Politik brauchen mehr weibliche Perspektiven. Genau deshalb gibt es das Female Empowerment-Programm der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. Teilnehmerinnen profitieren von Trainings, Netzwerkveranstaltungen und der Betreuung durch Mentorinnen und Mentoren. Brechna Amin, eine Teilnehmerin des Empowermentprogramms, berichtet, was sie aus dem Programm mitnehmen konnte.
Akademija 2024 Are you a woman seeking to break the gender

Diversity: Exploring diversity beyond labels

The Madrid office premieres the documentary in which expert voices and ordinary citizens share their ideas and impressions around the concept of diversity. Shot in Madrid and Barcelona in early 2023, the documentary aims to reflect different approaches to the complex, misunderstood and overused concept of diversity.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There