Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Women in Politics: Women’s Representation in Romanian Politics

This report provides a brief description of women’s representation in the Romanian parliament, government and the local councils and is founded on an extended data collection. The final sections provide the reader with a comparative analysis of women’s political representation in order to contextualize Romania’s situation.
Therefore, Romania comes last in the Gender Equality

Transgender: Trans in Romania

This report describes, through multiple research methods, how the lives of trans people in Romania have been affected by discrimination in a multitude of contexts: family, professional, medical, legal, bureaucratic. It also brings us closer to trans people’s lives, very different from each other, but striving for the same thing: for their identity to be accepted and respected in society.
status documents, expectations of others regarding gender

#FemaleForwardInternational: Meet Denitsa Lyubenova from Bulgaria

Denitsa Lyubenova is a human rights lawyer and LGBTI activist who helps people live normal lives and enjoy equal rights. The lawyers we see in movies are usually strong and confident but not always concerned with protecting innocent people or noble causes — they just do their job. However, Denitsa Lyubenova is not a stereotypical lawyer — her mission for many years is to achieve justice and equal human rights for people from different communities.
address hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender

Kebebasan Sipil: Pelatihan Kebebasan Sipil: Advokasinya dan Isu Perempuan

Sejak 2018, Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Indonesia bersama Institut Demokrasi dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (Lembaga INDEKS) serta didukung oleh Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI rutin menggelar Pelatihan Advokasi Kebebasan Sipil di sejumlah kota di Indonesia. Pada bulan Maret tahun ini, isu perempuan dihadirkan untuk turut serta merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional.
Menurut Sandra, perspektif gender penting dalam isu

Human Rights : Human Rights Situation Under Taliban Regime

The resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the subsequent dissolution of the pre-existing republic on August 15, 2021, has resulted in a pronounced rollback in the progress made toward protecting human rights and free society values. This shift has severely impacted the communal and individual liberties of women and other at-risk groups, triggering grave apprehensions regarding the current human rights situation in the nation.
expression, establish democratic institutions, promote gender

Visiting Program: Business and Human Rights Visiting Program in Germany and Brussels

FNF’s „Business and Human Rights“ program in Germany and Brussels explored integrating human rights into business practices, focusing on EU and German regulations. Aimed at Turkish participants, it delved into the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Germany’s Supply Chain Act, emphasizing legal and ethical obligations. The program sets a standard for international collaboration in corporate responsibility, aiding Turkish businesses in EU compliance.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There

Visiting Program: Business and Human Rights Visiting Program in Germany and Brussels

FNF’s „Business and Human Rights“ program in Germany and Brussels explored integrating human rights into business practices, focusing on EU and German regulations. Aimed at Turkish participants, it delved into the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Germany’s Supply Chain Act, emphasizing legal and ethical obligations. The program sets a standard for international collaboration in corporate responsibility, aiding Turkish businesses in EU compliance.
Gender equality 06.09.2024 Matthias Baus There