Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

South Korea: How a mayor’s death triggered a discussion about sex crimes

The suicide of the popular mayor of Seoul, Park Won-Soon, triggered an intense debate about sexism in South Korea. Before his death, Park Won-Soon’s former secretary had accused him of sexual harassment. Choyoung Son and Darja Neufeld on a debate that shakes the self-confidence of South Korean society.
Critics point out that gender discrimination and misogyny

Afghanistan : Afghanistan

Two years since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan, the country’s democratic progress has regressed significantly, particularly for women. This paper examines the erosion of women’s rights and access to education under the Taliban’s rule. It explores potential avenues within international law, diplomatic efforts, and targeted aid to address the situation and reintegrate women’s rights as an integral aspect of international policy considerations.
Taliban, as the de facto authorities, are committing “gender

Zimbabwe: Cyber bullies push women to the fringes of political power

Many of Zimbabwe’s women have seen their ambitions to ascend to political power obliterated by brutal cyberbullying, which has forced them to quit, leading analysts said this week. So rampant is the cyberbullying scourge, which now permeates through all layers of politics from local to central government. The analysts, who spoke as Zimbabwe raved up campaigns for general elections expected next month, were worried that even existing laws fell short of defending female politicians from cyberbullies.
The 2018 Gender Links report said the number of female

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: Das Geschick, den Status Quo anzufechten

Professorin Zeynep Alemdar, eine türkische Akademikerin, über die Gründe, warum politische Repräsentierung eine Menge ausmacht und warum Frauen an die Front der globalen Entscheidungsfindung gestellt werden müssen. “Bei der feministischen Aussenpolitik geht es darum, Frauen in alle aussenpolitischen Entscheidungen einzubinden.
Man kann beim Haushalt auf Gender-Gleichstellung achten