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Freedom Team Interview : Freedom Team Interview: Martin Kothé in Focus

Meet Martin Kothé, our new Regional Director for FNF East and Southeast Europe and Project Director for Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece since August 2020. Learn more about his professional journey and personal manifesto. Martin Kothé has joined FNF in early 2020 after 10 years as a Managing Director for FTI Consulting in Berlin, a US strategic communications consultancy. From 2004 to 2010, Martin was working as spokesperson to the German President Horst Köhler during his tenure in office. Prior to that, Martin served as communications director and spokesperson of the German liberal party FDP affiliated to FNF (1999 – 2004). He started his career in journalism, learning the trade in the German Section of the BBC’s World Service from 1988 – 1991.
For myself, but also for everybody else.  

Zimbabwe: Heroes’ Day: Allow people to enjoy freedoms

As Zimbabwe celebrates the 44th Heroes Day on Monday, it is imperative to remember this legacy of resistance and the fight for justice. However, this year’s commemoration comes amid a tense atmosphere in Harare, as the city prepares for the SADC Summit from  August 17 to 18. The State has reacted with a heavy-hand, arresting opposition politicians, civil society members, clergymen, and student activists in an apparent crackdown on ‘dissent’. It has shown zero tolerance for any criticism of those in power, creating an atmosphere of fear that now engulfs the country.
past decades, Zimbabwe has turned into something else

women to women : A woman’s perspective from the field of technology

„In the field of technology, numerous women are making significant contributions. This month’s women to women program will feature an interview with Ms. Khin Sandar, a senior mobile developer and a Mobile App Mentor at MSDT Training Center. She will share her experiences and challenges she has faced in the tech industry, offering advice and insights for women who aspire to enter this field.
Question: If there is anything else you want to talk

Reshape Europe: Poems of Liberty: Reshape Europe

Poems of Liberty is back this time as part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation „Reshape Europe“ campaign, which is a global dialogue on how Europe can become more resilient in order to stand up to the enemies of freedom worldwide. Explore our selection of poems paired with comics from our past Animate Europe projects.
differences and creating a unity that is nowhere else