Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Restaurant

DISINFORMATION: Bogeyman Šimečka and the „peace“ celebration of the Slovak National Uprising. Disinformers continue to build pro-Russian sentiments in Slovak society

The leader of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, continued to be subjected to dubious accusations by the ruling coalition in the past weeks. The 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), which falls on 29 August, has become the target of manipulation and political abuse as well, which has been dominated by the glorification of today’s Russia and the justification of its actions towards Ukraine.
businesses to businessman Alexander Govor in 2022 and the restaurants

DISINFORMATION: Bogeyman Šimečka and the „peace“ celebration of the Slovak National Uprising. Disinformers continue to build pro-Russian sentiments in Slovak society

The leader of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, continued to be subjected to dubious accusations by the ruling coalition in the past weeks. The 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), which falls on 29 August, has become the target of manipulation and political abuse as well, which has been dominated by the glorification of today’s Russia and the justification of its actions towards Ukraine.
businesses to businessman Alexander Govor in 2022 and the restaurants

Weizenkrise: Die Weizenkrise: Politische und soziale Folgen der Nahrungsmittelknappheit

Seit Russland am 24. Februar seinen Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt, gelangt der in der Ukraine angebaute Weizen nicht mehr in die Empfängerländer. Der globale Preisanstieg für Energierohstoffe und eine Vielzahl von Lebensmitteln verschärft die Probleme weiter. Eine Übersicht der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung bietet Momentaufnahmen und Handlungsmuster aus 12 Projektländern.
Auch die Preise in den Restaurants sind sehr stark