Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Opposition

Human Rights: Prisoner of Conscience: Niyameddin Ahmadov

Niyamaddin Ahmaadov is a prisoner of conscience from Azerbaijan. During his trial, Ahmadov maintained his innocence and denied any wrongdoing. He also told the court that during his detention he had been tortured and harassed. Ahmadov was arrested in the spring along with several other party members for „violating quarantine measures and disobeying the lawful demands of a police officer“. He was later charged with financing terrorism.
President Ilham Aliyev’s attempts to crack down on opposition

Venezuela: Press Release: Europe could play a key role in restoring Venezuelan democracy

In recent months, Venezuelan citizens and politicians have used every resource at their disposal to hold free elections within the country and restore the democracy lost to the Bolivarian revolution. Despite their successes, they require support from the international community to achieve their goal.
signed in Barbados by the government and part of the opposition

Wahlen in Indien 2022: Modis BJP nach Serie von Rücktritten vor Wahlen unter Druck

Vor den Wahlen zum Landesparlament in Indiens bevölkerungsreichstem Bundesstaat Uttar Pradesh ist die BJP-geführte Regierung nach einer Serie von Rücktritten von Landesministern unter Druck geraten. Eigentlich galt der Wahlsieg bei den Wahlen im Februar als sicher. Nachdem vergangene Woche jedoch drei Minister zusammen mit mehreren Abgeordneten zurückgetreten und zur oppositionellen Samajwadi Party (SP) übergelaufen sind, ist das Rennen möglicherweise wieder offen.
ausgeweitet – eine Maßnahme, die die Partei in der Opposition

Event: (28.6.2023) The Disinformation Landscape Across Europe

Come join us this Wednesday for an insightful webinar on the disinformation landscape across europe brought to you by FNF Europe and EU DisinfoLab. In this webinar, we will present our series of country factsheets that highlight the disinformation landscape across EU Member States, from the most emblematic cases to recurrent narratives, community actors, and policy initiatives. Our panel of experts dedicated to studying and combating this phenomenon will share their thoughts and extensive knowledge, and answer your questions during the Q&A.
Gelingt der Opposition der Machtwechsel?

General Amnesty: A Comprehensive Analysis of General Amnesty Foundations and Effects on Society

Amnesty remains one of the most controversial topics within modern societies, sparking fervent debate about its benefits, challenges, and overall impact on both the judicial system and society at large. In the recent session of PizzaTalk, our platform for thoughtful discussion and analysis, we delved deeply into the concept of general amnesty, exploring its distinctions from special amnesty,
direction of amnesty legislation, with strong support or opposition

Rule of Law: Policy Paper: The state of Liberal Democracy in Greece: Is liberalism under threat?

This policy paper embarks on a thorough examination of the state of Liberal Democracy in Greece, employing the Liberal Democracy Index (LDI) as its primary analytical tool. Following a brief theoretical and methodological overview, the analysis underscores the challenges facing liberal democracy at regional and international levels, with a particular focus on the Greek institutional framework. Notably, Greece’s rank at 24th among the 27 EU member states in the Liberal Democracy Index signals significant shortcomings.
, the limited parliamentary oversight capacity of opposition