Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Opposition

Kosovo: Neue Regierung im Amt

Vier Monate nach den Parlamentswahlen haben sich die linksnationale Vetevendoje, VV (Selbstbestimmung) und die Mitte-Rechts-Partei, Demokratische Liga Kosovo, (LDK) nach langen Verhandlungen auf eine Koalitionsregierung verständigt, die nun  ihre Arbeit aufgenommen hat. Die liberale AKR ist mit zwei Mandaten im Parlament aber nicht mehr in der Regierung vertreten.
Kosovo Neue Regierung im Amt Liberale AKR in der Opposition

Südafrika: ANC und Demokratische Allianz regieren gemeinsam

Südafrika hat eine neue Einheitsregierung: Der ANC und die bisherige Oppositionspartei Demokratische Allianz (DA) regieren gemeinsam. Nachdem der ANC erstmals die absolute Mehrheit verloren hat, muss die Koalition gegen Korruption und wirtschaftliche Probleme ankämpfen. Kann die Zusammenarbeit der einstigen Erzfeinde das Land voranbringen?
hat ihre Wurzeln in der weißen parlamentarischen Opposition

South African Elections 2024: A Critical Third-Eye Lens

As a Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation at ACT Wazalendo, my journey into the world of electoral observation has been a transformative one. Coming from the historical hub of election chaos in Zanzibar, I had the opportunity to participate in an International Election Observer Mission in South Africa from 24th to 31st May 2024, which proved to be a profound learning experience. This article aims to share the insights and lessons I’ve gathered, while exploring the nuanced and flexible nature of democracy across the African continent.
protests and clashes between security forces and opposition

NEWSLETTER: From Poland with Love. February

The new Polish government is taking further crucial steps on the road back to a fully functioning democracy and a Western foreign policy. Minister Sikorski is playing a crucial role in this, and despite the rapprochement, he has indicated to Germany that they should pay Poland back in a creative way for reparations for the World War II. Read also about the war for the cheapest supermarket chain in Poland and the investigation into the misuse of Pegasus.
illegally used the Pegasus spyware to hack phones of opposition

CELAC-EU Summit : CELAC-EU Summit

At the long-awaited EU-CELAC summit, a disappointingly vague final declaration was issued: the autocracies in Latin America, especially Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, prevented a clear naming of Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine war. The lack of agreement highlights the challenges in the relationship between Europe and Latin America, where economic cooperation and eye-to-eye collaboration are crucial to promote democratic and liberal values.
Liberal opposition leader María Corina Machado has

Mandela Day: How many leaders like Mandela are required to defeat populism?

The values that Nelson Mandela stood for and which he so eloquently put forward and defended at his trial in 1964 – equality of all people before the law, the rule of law, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly – are once again under pressure in South Africa today. These original liberal values, for which Mandela is celebrated internationally, are increasingly being called into question by his political heirs.
the public debate today, especially by the liberal opposition

South Africa: State of the Nation Address 2023

When he first stepped onto the stage as president he promised a “new dawn”. On Thursday Cyril Ramaphosa will rise to address a nation in crisis with very little hope of any light and in a temporary home. The power utility, ESKOM, is on the brink of collapse, and leaderless. South Africans are in the dark on a daily basis and will enter winter with the reality of at least 8 hours of electricity shortages (load-shedding/blackouts) per day. It is promised that this will only stop in two years if all goes to plan.
been in steady electoral decline and the Official opposition