Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Opposition

Liberal Youth: XV. Liberal Youth Congress: October 27

The XV. Liberal Youth Congress, hosted by 3H Movement with Friedrich Naumann Foundation Türkiye, took place on October 27, 2024, in Şişli, Istanbul. Experts and activists explored state surveillance’s impact on freedom in Türkiye, covering censorship, data privacy, campus monitoring, and lifestyle restrictions. The event highlighted growing constraints on expression, privacy, and personal choice.
25.07.2024 Continued repression against opposition

Liberal Gençlik: XV. Liberal Gençlik Kongresi: 27 Ekim

XV. Liberal Gençlik Kongresi, 3H Hareketi ve Friedrich Naumann Vakfı Türkiye’nin ev sahipliğinde 27 Ekim 2024 tarihinde İstanbul Şişli’de gerçekleşti. Uzmanlar ve aktivistler, sansür, veri gizliliği, kampüs izleme ve yaşam tarzı kısıtlamalarını kapsayan devlet gözetiminin Türkiye’deki özgürlükler üzerindeki etkisini araştırdı. Etkinlikte ifade, mahremiyet ve kişisel tercihler üzerindeki artan kısıtlamalara dikkat çekildi.
25.07.2024 Continued repression against opposition

Liberal Youth: XV. Liberal Youth Congress: October 27

The XV. Liberal Youth Congress, hosted by 3H Movement with Friedrich Naumann Foundation Türkiye, took place on October 27, 2024, in Şişli, Istanbul. Experts and activists explored state surveillance’s impact on freedom in Türkiye, covering censorship, data privacy, campus monitoring, and lifestyle restrictions. The event highlighted growing constraints on expression, privacy, and personal choice.
25.07.2024 Continued repression against opposition

Liberal Youth: XV. Liberal Youth Congress: October 27

The XV. Liberal Youth Congress, hosted by 3H Movement with Friedrich Naumann Foundation Türkiye, took place on October 27, 2024, in Şişli, Istanbul. Experts and activists explored state surveillance’s impact on freedom in Türkiye, covering censorship, data privacy, campus monitoring, and lifestyle restrictions. The event highlighted growing constraints on expression, privacy, and personal choice.
25.07.2024 Continued repression against opposition

Cuba: The flame of freedom burns brighter than ever

The largest protests since 1994 are currently taking place in Cuba. Thousands protested against the growing plight of the population, which was exacerbated by the pandemic. However, the government blames the rest of the world and reacted with severe repression against the demonstrators. Could this mean the end of the Cuban dictatorship?
react 25.07.2024 Continued repression against opposition

Istanbul | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Seit der Eröffnung unserers Regionalbüros in Ankara 1991 arbeiten wir aktiv mit Partnern aus Zivilgesellschaft, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik in der Türkei zusammen. Im Jahr 2002 sind wir nach Istanbul gezogen. Die Türkei ist aufgrund ihrer Geschichte, Kultur, Wirtschaft und geografischen Lage von entscheidender Bedeutung für Deutschland, Europa und die transatlantische Zusammenarbeit. Daher bietet die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung liberal gesinnten Bürgern und Organisationen in der Türkei Unterstützung an, um liberale Werte in der Gesellschaft zu fördern. Türkçe | English
Türkei 13.11.2023 Can Selcuki Die neue Opposition