Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: New York

#FreedomFightsFake: Bill Gates, the Villain

The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired a few prominent conspiracy theories. One of the most popular ones draws a connection between the building of 5G infrastructure and the spread of the virus. One of the main targets of a disinformation campaign is none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, accused of developing an evil plot for world domination. Regardless of the fact that Microsoft’s founder donates billions of dollars for hunger and poverty relief, as well as for improving access to healthcare and education in developing countries, he became the go-to villain of conspiracy theorists from all over the globe. According to them, Gates has intentionally caused the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by greed to enrich himself by selling vaccines and medication. 
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Adani: Betrugsvorwurf gegen Milliardär Adani überschattet Indiens Aufholjagd

An Superlativen mangelt es Indien aktuell nicht. Das Schwellenland wird noch 2023 China als bevölkerungsreichstes Land der Welt ablösen, so eine Prognose der UN. Ein weiterer Rekord überschattet jedoch seit Januar die positiven Nachrichten aus der mittlerweile fünfgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt. Hindenburg Research, ein aktivistischer Fonds aus den USA, wirft dem indischen Unternehmer Gautam Adani „den größten Betrug in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte“ vor.
auf Aktivisten-Leerverkäufe gegründet und sitzt in New

Unbreakable / Nezlamni: “Nobody slept in the first several months”

Olga Kudinenko is the founder of Tabletochki, a charity foundation for children with cancer, a fundraiser and a Member of the National Children’s Hospital’s OKHMATDYT Board of Trustees. In the “UNBREAKABLE” project, she shared how the foundation helped evacuate children with cancer from dangerous territories, and spoke about establishing a foundation in the U.S. and helping Ukrainians, while she’s staying abroad.
were starting to plan our annual fundraiser, and new

Hacking Democracy: Hacking Democracy Conference: Examples of Collaboration between Civic Tech Communities and Governments Around the World

Have you thought about how the people and governments can to co-create or optimize digital services together? Register for 2023 Hacking Democracy Conference to explore successful cases around the world! The Conference will be on Oct 27, 2023, GMT 8:00-11:00am (GMT+8 16:00-19:00), online via webex.
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