Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Minderheit

DISINFORMATION: Oil, the Commission’s betrayal, and the West’s demise at the Olympics. The disinformation scene is working at full speed even in the middle of summer

The suspension of the flow of Russian Lukoil oil to Slovakia and Hungary via Ukrainian territory was the subject of lies and misleading. The disinformation scene continued to deepen the polarization lines of Slovak society. The participation of sexual minorities in the opening ceremony of the Olympics was sold to their audience by the disinformers as salacious proof of Western decadence.
watching to see whether Fico would be replaced by a pro-war figure or change his mind

DISINFORMATION: Slovakia is to be saved from the dictate of Brussels by ‚patriots‘. Apart from the EU elections, disinformers also centred on glorifying Russia and fear-mongering about a nuclear conflict.

As the European Parliament elections approach, the mobilisation of the Slovak disinformation ecosystem continues. The focus is still on the Green Deal, for example, or criticism of opposition MEPs. The celebration of Victory Against Fascism Day was also a resonant theme, serving as an opportunity to glorify Russia and spread false messages. Disinformers spoke of a supposed progressive fascism originating in the West and manifesting itself in the form of Russophobic attacks.
number of critical European topics, which he manipulatively portrays to attack the minds

Newsletter: From Poland With Love – August

From humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border over collapse of the ruling coalition to Poland Campus of the Future: In his monthly newsletter, our guest contributor Dr. Milosz Hodun gives us updates about current news, events and all other things you need to know about Poland.
we feel we stay honest towards our voters, to those who trusted us, bearing in mind

DISINFORMATION: A gesture of solidarity with the victims of the terrorist act in 2022 has become a pretext for toxic and hateful attacks

The second anniversary of the terrorist attack in front of Bratislava’s Tepláreň club on 12 October 2022 prompted not only a wave of solidarity, but also toxic and hateful posts on social media. Both politicians, as well as other actors from the disinformation environment, used the situation to sensationalize, boost fear and disillusionment about the alleged brainwashing of children, which is supposed to take place on a widespread basis in Slovak schools.
mentioned above were the statements about the alleged pushing of ideology into the minds

DISINFORMATION: A gesture of solidarity with the victims of the terrorist act in 2022 has become a pretext for toxic and hateful attacks

The second anniversary of the terrorist attack in front of Bratislava’s Tepláreň club on 12 October 2022 prompted not only a wave of solidarity, but also toxic and hateful posts on social media. Both politicians, as well as other actors from the disinformation environment, used the situation to sensationalize, boost fear and disillusionment about the alleged brainwashing of children, which is supposed to take place on a widespread basis in Slovak schools.
mentioned above were the statements about the alleged pushing of ideology into the minds

POLICY PAPER: China’s influence in Europe

Over the past decade the impact of China’s economy has been increasing consequently with far reaching dependencies worldwide. While China has not been using traditional military force to expand its power, we can see clear instances where China uses political and economic coercion to reach its goals. This has led many counties to label China as a “systemic rival”. And that begs the question: What does China’s rise mean for the world?
their own specific conclusion, these two over-arching points that should be kept in mind

DISINFORMATION: The attacks and demonising narratives against the opposition and the media continue after the European elections

Disinformers in Slovakia have interpreted the results of the EP elections as a desired decline of progressivism and a change of circumstances in favour of patriotic political forces. Attacks on the Slovak mainstream media and the opposition also continued to trend. At the same time, the disinformation ecosystem is returning to tried and tested narratives about the war in Ukraine. These are often in direct line with Russian propaganda.
They can’t say it out loud, but in their minds they’re happy about it – do you think

#FemaleForwardInternational: Nicht mehr im Schatten der Männer: Der Aufstieg weiblicher Führungskräfte in Ost- und Südosteuropa

Diese Analyse, die Teil von #FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL ist, bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die Freuden und Nöte einer Frau in der Politik in dieser Übergangsregion.
Was ist mit religiösen Minderheiten – glauben Sie, dass alle Religionen das Recht