Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Luzern

Krypto: Kryptoregulierung

Seit Jahren ringt Brüssel um eine geeignete Regulierung für die Kryptobranche. Das Europäische Parlament hat nun gleich zwei wichtige Fragen der Kryptoregulierung debattiert. Bei der Geldwäschebekämpfung sind die Abgeordneten allerdings übers Ziel hinausgeschossen. Die strikten Regeln könnten nicht nur der Kryptobranche in Europa erheblich schaden, sondern auch die Schaffung globaler Regeln erschweren.
Schuldenbremse 01.07.2024 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt

Publication: Resource Dependency from China: A Possible Way Out for Europe

After months of crisis experience with Russia’s manoeuvring in energy policy, Europe has learned the hard way: it is not advisable to rely majorly on one single partner when it comes to essential resources. This applies especially when the trust relationship with that partner has already been burdened by tensions and scepticism from the beginning. Now Europe is struggling desperately with the effects of the Russian attack on Ukraine and its economic consequences. There can only be one conclusion: Don’t rely on one partner only!
28.11.2022 6.5 Minutes Germany German   Maximilian Luz

UKRAINE WAR: The Perception of the Ukraine War Among African Populations

A survey commissioned by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom finds that 77% of Tanzanians are against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite the government’s refusal to condemn the war at the UN. The finding is reflective of a broader pattern across Eastern and Southern Africa, which highlights the increasing disconnect between citizens views, and the actions, or lack thereof, of their representatives at the national level.
Trade policy 28.03.2024 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt

Griechenland : Annalena Baerbock – Die neue „Eiserne Lady“ des Mittelmeers?

Angesichts der aggressiven Erklärungen aus Athen und Ankara sollte Baerbock bei ihrem Besuch in Griechenland als gezielte Vermittlerin auftreten. Zwar stellte sie sich im türkisch-griechischen Konflikt klar auf die Seite Griechenlands, doch diese Haltung lässt auch Raum für Fragen: Wenn sowohl Griechenland als auch die Türkei einer der wichtigsten Partner in Europa sind, wo zieht Baerbock dann die Grenze?
Russland 23.08.2023 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt Sanktionen

MIGRATION: The Med Fest, a beacon for freedom and diversity in the Mediterranean

The 2nd edition of the FNF Madrid office flagship event “The Med Fest – Mediterranean Festival for Freedom” was held in cooperation with Casa Árabe, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), the Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean (IPDAL); EsadeEcpol- Center for Economic Policy and IE University- School of Politics Economics and Global Affairs.
German Skilled Immigration Act 16.04.2024 Maximilian Luz

Study Tour Report: Study Tour visit Report on Renewable Energy Transition

The weeklong interactive study tour organized by the World Order and Globalization Hub in May 2023 with the energy stakeholders in Washington DC and Portland, Oregon, was a rather insightful visit. This interaction that was organized with the larger theme of ‚Renewable Energy Transition‘ was a learning process on many fronts.
COP28 15.12.2023 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt COP

MIGRATION: Das Med Fest, ein Leuchtturm für Freiheit und Vielfalt im Mittelmeerraum

La 2ª edición del evento insignia de la oficina de FNF en Madrid „The Med Fest – Festival Mediterráneo por la Libertad“ se celebró en colaboración con Casa Árabe, la Unión por el Mediterráneo (UpM), el Instituto Europeo del Mediterráneo (IEMed), el Instituto para la Promoción de América Latina y el Caribe (IPDAL); EsadeEcpol- Centro de Política Económica e IE University- Escuela de Política Económica y Asuntos Globales.
Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz 15.04.2024 Maximilian Luz

Energy turnaround: Morocco – climate champion with question marks

From a ban on plastic bags to the world’s largest solar power plant, Morocco likes to present itself as a pioneer in climate policy. Europeans are also pinning their hopes for green electricity from the desert on the kingdom. But Morocco’s image as a climate champion is increasingly being tarnished.
COP28 15.12.2023 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt COP

Migration trends: The Syrian-Lebanese Migration Puzzle: A new EU approach?

The debate about Syrian refugees, particularly in Lebanon, has shifted these past months. Bashar al-Ásad is back on the international scene, and the re-incorporation of Syria in the Arab League has shown that echoes of peace are now part of the future roadmap for the country. In this vein, some voices argued that it’s time for Syrian refugees to go back home, since stability seems to be a new direction for the country. Moreover, Lebanon, the main host country for Syrian refugees, has been facing one of the worst financial crises of its history.
German Skilled Immigration Act 16.04.2024 Maximilian Luz