Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Luzern

Migration: Klimawandel als Ursache für Migration

Am 4. Mai haben wir am Sitz der Union für den Mittelmeerraum (UfM) in Barcelona zusammen mit dem Europäischen Institut für den Mittelmeerraum (IEMed) unseren neuesten gemeinsamen Bericht mit dem Titel Klimawandel und Migration vorgestellt: Understanding Factors, Developing Opportunities in the Sahel Zone, West Africa, and the Maghreb. Dieser umfassende Bericht, der jetzt auf unserer Website zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung steht, ist das Ergebnis monatelanger Arbeit, einschließlich Datenerfassung im Senegal und in Marokko, Interviews mit lokalen Gemeinschaften und statistischer Analysen.
Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz 15.04.2024 Maximilian Luz

İltica Sistemi: İç Güvenliğin Güçlendirilmesi ve İltica Sisteminde Reform: Almanya’nın Yeni Yasa Teklifi

Almanya’nın yeni yasa teklifi, özellikle siyasi tartışmaların arttığı seçimler öncesinde iç güvenliğin arttırılması, iltica yasalarında reform yapılması, silah kontrolünün sıkılaştırılması ve aşırıcılıkla mücadeleye odaklanıyor.
German Skilled Immigration Act 16.04.2024 Maximilian Luz

The War in Ukraine: Bhutan: Impact of War in Ukraine: Perspective from Bhutan

The war has impacted countries around the globe and Bhutan is no exception. Bhutan’s ambassador to the UN, Ms. Dolma Tshering, speaking at the emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), stated that the impact of the war could be felt by the small Himalayan nation some thousands of miles away from Ukraine (South Asian Monitor, 2022).
Trade policy 28.03.2024 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt

Veranstaltung: Zukunftsforum24

Innovation ist der Treibstoff für Wohlstand und Wachstum. Dies galt immer, aber es gewinnt in Anbetracht der großen technologischen und klimapolitischen Herausforderungen noch mehr an Bedeutung als früher. Doch wie können wir in einer sozialen Marktwirtschaft die Innovationskraft bestmöglich fördern? Über diese Frage diskutierte die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung zusammen mit Bundesministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger sowie vielen anderen Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik auf dem Zukunftsforum24.
Geschäftsführerin, Marvel Fusion GmbH, Maximilian Luz

Trade policy: Ukrainische Logistiker

The war in Ukraine has been raging for over two years and its effects are far-reaching. In addition to direct suffering, the focus is also on indirect consequences, such as the search for new trade routes and overcoming logistical challenges. Border blockades and political tensions are exacerbating the situation, but require a coordinated European response to ensure stability and competitiveness in the region.
28.03.2024 4.3 Minutes German   Maximilian Luz

Energy: Tunisia and Morocco set the path for Europe’s green hydrogen revolution

As the transition to a more sustainable economy becomes a global priority, Morocco and Tunisia have blazed a bright path with the adoption of national plans for green hydrogen production. This example serves as an inspiring model for Europe, which is technologically ready to make the big leap towards cleaner and more sustainable energy.
COP28 15.12.2023 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt COP

Africa: Illegal trade in charcoal and firewood

From September 4 to 8, Kenya will host Africa Climate Week, one of four Regional Climate Weeks leading up to COP 28 in Dubai, the next major UN climate conference. In Nairobi, policymakers, practitioners, business and civil society will discuss action on climate change in Africa. The challenges are right around the corner, but there are no easy solutions. The example of charcoal shows that.
Trade policy 28.03.2024 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt

Ukraine Peace Summit: Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland: Why a high-level South Asian presence is important

“Peace for Ukraine” is the deepest yearning of citizens, diplomats, foreigners, active defenders and leaders facing the onslaught of the largest country in continental Europe. Even in the face of daily missile and drone strikes, they seek peace on their terms. Bilateral or multilateral talks focused on stopping the war against Ukraine have done little to resolve the crisis over the past two years.
Trade policy 28.03.2024 Maximilian Luz Reinhardt