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Migration: „Voices in Motion“ – Migranten erzählen ihre Geschichte

Migration ist für ganz Europa Chance und Herausforderung – und der richtige Umgang stark umstritten. Eine Veranstaltung am 15. Juli in Stuttgart widmete sich diesem Thema. Gezeigt wurde der Film „Voices in Motion“, der einen Perspektivwechsel vornimmt und von Geflüchteten berichtet, die in Europa leben und ihre Gesellschaften durch ihr Engagement bereichern, aber auch davon, welche Hürden sie überwinden müssen. Darauffolgend wurde in einem Gespräch tiefer auf die europäische Einwanderungspolitik eingegangen.
From left to right: Violetta Hagen journalist Stuttgarter

Migration: „Voices in Motion“ – Migrants tell their story

Migration is an opportunity and a challenge for all of Europe – and the best way to face it is highly controversial. An event on July 15 in Stuttgart revolved around this topic. The film, „Voices in Motion“ was shown, which provides a unique perspective and reports on refugees who live in Europe and enrich their societies through their determination, but also on the obstacles they have to overcome. Afterwards, there was deep discussion into European immigration policy.
From left to right: Violetta Hagen journalist Stuttgarter

Freiheitsrechte | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Während der Corona-Pandemie sind Grund- und Freiheitsrechte durch notwendige Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen über lange Zeit eingeschränkt worden. Neben allgemeinen Grundsätzen wie der Verhältnismäßigkeit, die es bei Einschränkungen von Grundrechten immer zu beachten gilt, muss über ein Jahr nach Beginn der Pandemie aber auch die weitestmögliche Aufhebung der Einschränkungen in den Fokus der Corona-Politik gestellt werden. Aus den Erfahrungen, die während der Pandemie gesammelt wurden, lassen sich außerdem Freiheitslehren für künftige Krisen ableiten, um zu verhindern, dass Grund- und Freiheitsrechte erneut über lange Zeit in die Defensive geraten.
Mai mit Heribert Prantl und Martin Hagen MdL.

Study Tour: Transatlantic Dialogue Political Professionals Study Tour

The FNF Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) conducted its annual study tour program from June 18th-25th. This year’s program saw participants exploring the political, cultural, and economic landscapes of Upper Bavaria, Munich, and Berlin, and focused itself around the motto “Germany’s Political and Economic Landscape in Times of Zeitenwende”. The professional expertise of the participants ranged from industry to government affairs.
Participants later met with Martin Hagen, the party

DEMOCRACIES – Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World International Conference | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The year 2024, coined a ‘super election year’, sets a record: roughly half of the world’s population, and therefore more than ever before, will be allowed to go to the polls in around 60 countries to elect presidents and parliaments – sometimes more and sometimes less democratically. However, despite these figures, the number of liberal democracies is declining worldwide. At our conference, international and German experts will discuss the current challenges and threats to democracies based on case studies from across the globe, including the USA, India, South Africa and, last but not least, Germany. We will be taking a close look in particular at young people and the dynamics of their participation in politics and in social causes. How can the downward trend in democracy be halted and the resilience and attractiveness of democratic systems be strengthened in times of global systemic rivalry? Which key factors can be identified as causal when analyzing democratic crises? What role do poor governance and socio-economic dissatisfaction play in the erosion of democratic stability? And how can we succeed in mobilizing young people for democracy and freedom in a world increasingly characterized by digital debate spaces and social polarization? These are essential questions of our time wich you are cordially invited to discuss with us. I look forward to your participation.
education, philosophy and sociology in Münster and Hagen