Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

Event: (10.4.2023) How will the US Election Shape Transatlantic Security

The upcoming US presidential election will not only significantly influence the United States but also extend its effects to the European Union. The election’s outcome will have profound implications for the global economy, climate policies, social movements, and geopolitical dynamics. Register now for insights from Dr. Ian Lesser and Dr. Giovanni Grevi on future US-EU security relations.
Executive Director of the Brussels Office at the German

Global division of labour: Kenya

A conference in Nairobi takes Africa and Europe to a new level of cooperation: in times of demographic change and technological revolutions, an innovative win-win model that utilises the strengths of both continents was discussed. Europe is a technological leader in many areas, but faces the problem of demographic change and a shortage of skilled labour. In contrast, Africa has a young, motivated population with potential in digital technologies, but lacks sufficient jobs. However, the challenges lie primarily in education, communication and workers‘ rights. However, a survey commissioned by the FNF – and conducted by IPSOS – shows that business people are optimistic.
enthusiastic. 22.12.2023 3.0 Minutes Germany German

Event: Nepal: Himalayan country in crisis?

“Official stats” on COVID-19 cases have reached half a million mark with daily new counts of around 10,000. Medical facilities are already operating at full capacity and many have been forced to deny admission of new patients in the absence of basic facilities like beds, oxygen cylinders, and ventilators.
2125 hrs (NPT)                         Member of German

Kosovo & Serbia: Spannungen zwischen Serbien und Kosovo: Droht ein neuer Balkan-Krieg?

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have been boiling up again since last week. The trigger was a suspected terrorist attack by Kosovo Serbs in northern Kosovo, which is interpreted diametrically differently by the Serbian and Kosovar sides. This is not the first time in the relationship between Serbia and its former southern province that an event has been perceived or instrumentalized in completely different ways.
fire 05.10.2023 5.0 Minutes Western Balkans German

40 Jahre FNF Jordanien: 40 Jahre FNF Jordanien

Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung feierte ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen in Jordanien und blickte auf vier Jahrzehnte erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit zurück. In Amman würdigten hochrangige Redner die bedeutenden Beiträge der Stiftung zur Förderung demokratischer Werte, wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung und zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements. Die enge Partnerschaft zwischen der FNF und Jordanien ist ein Zeugnis gemeinsamen Vertrauens und eines tiefen Engagements für die Zukunft der Region.
Jordanien im Test stürmischer Zeiten 12.06.2023 German

Economic migration: The key role of remittances within the new migrations in the Mediterranean

According to the World Bank, remittances sent by migrants from their destination countries to their countries of origin already exceed foreign direct investment and official development assistance in importance. This article explains how Spain and the European Union (EU) should promote the correct use of these remittances, as well as reduce shipping costs, so that the final amount that reaches its destination increases. We must transcend the current crisis management model generated by the tragic images of migrant arrivals on our shores, for a holistic scheme that promotes an orderly and safe migration model that adds to legal protection and social integration – access to essential public services, ownership of political rights and labour insertion – the development of the economies of the countries of origin.
: geopolitical tensions, ECOWAS in crisis and the German

Reshape Europe: Reshape Europe Hackathon

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation North America hosted its Reshape Europe Hackathon in Washington, DC, from May 13 to 17, 2023, with the theme „How can we make the EU more visible in the United States?“. Four two-person teams conceptualized and proposed methods to achieve this goal. They were given three days to work on their proposals, after which they presented their finished product to the judging panel, and a winning team was selected.
during this process, the teams of two consisted of one German