Iago Titaishvili Expert https://www.freiheit.org/iago-titaishvili-expert?page=1
iago.tsitaishvili@freiheit.org Contributions Georgian-German
iago.tsitaishvili@freiheit.org Contributions Georgian-German
Bevor Santhosh Jayaprakash vor fünf Jahren aus Indien nach Deutschland kam, hatte er die Heimat seiner Frau nur bei kurzen privaten Besuchen kennengelernt. Der Start als Jungunternehmer fiel dann ernüchternd aus, obwohl der heute 36-Jährige schon erfolgreich in Indien ein Startup gegründet und verkauft hatte.
Starthilfe bekam Jayaprakash vom German Indian Startup
FNF Indonesia is looking for a Program Officer! Come join us to be a part of the Friedrich Naumann Family, apply before May 5, 2024!
Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Indonesia, a German
society but also lecture evenings on topics of recent German
He was the Head of European Affairs of the German Insurance
FNF Indonesia is looking for a Program Officer! Come join us to be a part of the Friedrich Naumann Family, apply before May 5, 2024!
Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Indonesia, a German
The accusation that Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner intends to cut aid to Ukraine is completely unfounded. A misleading headline led to unnecessary outrage, but the facts show that this is a routine adjustment in the budget draft, not a political shift. Support for Ukraine remains assured—it’s simply a matter of responsible fiscal policy, according to Karl-Heinz Paqué, Chairman of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Germany German Federal Finance Minister Christian
Since the start of the war of aggression, Moscow and Pyongyang have grown significantly closer. A new FNF study analyzes these increasingly close military and economic ties—and recommends a counter-strategy for the West.
28.10.2024 4.7 Minutes North and South Korea German
Since the start of the war of aggression, Moscow and Pyongyang have grown significantly closer. A new FNF study analyzes these increasingly close military and economic ties—and recommends a counter-strategy for the West.
28.10.2024 4.7 Minutes North and South Korea German
The discourse surrounding AI is often dominated by extreme positions: either threat scenarios are exaggerated or the benefits are overemphasized. It is time to look for a new narrative that is neither uncritically positive nor overly pessimistic. In the report ‘Democracy and AI – how technological progress can strengthen democracy’, 30 global examples of the successful use of AI to strengthen democracy are analyzed and serve as a basis for assessing the potential.
A recent study by the German Civil Service Association